New Hero Unlocked

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The emotional whiplash that Alya, Nino, and Marinette got from what went down in the past two days compared to what was happening today was indescribable.

In the past two days they had become superheroes, almost died fighting a giant stone creature, accidentally found out the secret identity of one of their partners, possibly found out the secret identities of their other partners, and haven't even talked to each other since yesterday.

Today they were fighting Mr. Pigeon.

"There's so much shit! Everywhere!" Rena Rouge cried out in an awful mix of horror and anger. Trixx already didn't want to do their job very much. And this was only making things worse.

"Language!" Ladybug shouted.

"This is the actual worst thing that I have ever experienced. And that's saying something," Chat said, cautiously avoiding all of the stains while simultaneously trying to concentrate on the fight and deal with his constant sneezing fits. "I don't even have a joke to make about this one."

"Just figure out where the akuma is so we can end this!" Rena pleaded.

"Ohoho! You'll never catch me!" Mr. Pigeon taunted as his birds moved him out of harm's way, again and again, making a mockery of the inexperienced heroes.

"If we could just get him to sit still, this literally wouldn't be a problem!" Ladybug yelled. "He doesn't even have any powers other than pigeons!"

"Yeah! We fought a stone giant and came out on top!" Carapace lamented.

"Well yes, but we got our shit rocked throughout most of tha-," Chat paused in the middle of his sentence. "A-ACHOO!"

"Would everybody please stop fucking swearing?!" Ladybug asked.

"You just swore!" Chat shot back.

"Whatever! I'm so fucking tired right now! I just want this to be over!" Ladybug cried out.

"Perhaps I can be of service!" A voice called out from the side.


"Adrien! Wait!" Chloe tried to run after him but he was surprisingly agile for someone who didn't get out much. He stopped to talk to the three people he sat with in class and thought she could catch up with him. But then he just ran away and rode off without even noticing her.

"What the hell?!" Chloe exclaimed. "We haven't seen each other in months and this is how he treats me?!" It started raining out of nowhere and Chloe quickly ran back inside to wait for her father. She said that classic Chloe line that everyone loves.

"Ridiculous. Utterly ridiculous!" Yeah, that one.

"Maybe he was just in a rush?" Sabrina suggested, trying to alleviate the situation.

"Well, he certainly wasn't in too much of a rush to talk to those losers!" Chloe said in the trio's general direction, not realizing that 66.7% of them had already left.

Chloe's father finally arrived to pick her up. "'Took you long enough," Chloe scowled as her father led her to the limousine with an umbrella.

Chloe was fuming the entire ride back to the hotel. When they arrived she went straight to her room and fell face-first onto her bed.

She just laid there for a bit, anxiously fidgeting with the bracelet on her wrist. 

She got bored after a bit and stood back up. She didn't have anything in mind, she was just wandering around until she found something to do like she usually did. 

Chloe opened up her wardrobe and looked around. Then something made her pause.

Finding new things in her closet wasn't exactly unfamiliar for Chloe. But a small, black box with a yellow and black symbol on it was unusual.

Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug Chat Noir Rena Rouge Carapace and also Queen BeeWhere stories live. Discover now