First Impressions

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"Are you sure that everyone knows where to meet up?" Chat Noir asked, standing in front of the Eiffel Tower.

"I don't see why they wouldn't," Plagg replied in Chat's subconscious. "All five of us were briefed on where our owners were supposed to meet."

"I don't think I'm ever going to get used to this feeling."

"What feeling?"

"I've been having a lot of trouble controlling my impulses ever since I transformed."

"Oh yeah, that." Plagg waved off Adrien's concerns. "That's going to happen every time you transform."

"Is this how you always feel? How do you ever get anything done?"

"Thank you! Finally! Nobody ever understands what I have to go through all the time!"

"That doesn't explain it though. Why are you like this?"

"That, my friend, is a loaded question."

All of a sudden, they heard a scream from up above, quickly approaching them.

"There's one," Plagg registered.

"Oh shit," Chat replied just before the girl landed on top of him.


"Oh, there it is," Rena said, spotting the Eiffel Tower in the distance. "Finally."

Rena started running towards the tower as quickly as she could. As she was approaching it, she heard someone screaming from up above.

"What the hell is-?" Rena was interrupted by the sudden impact of someone falling from the sky directly on top of one of the people that she was supposed to meet up with.

"Are you two ok?" Rena asked, concerned and confused.

The one in the black suit gave a thumbs-up.

"Oh my goodness, I'm sorry! I just sent myself flying and I didn't know how to stop myself!" Ladybug apologized profusely as she helped Chat get up.

"It's ok-" Chat was interrupted by Ladybug's yoyo finally catching up with her and landing directly on his head, knocking him down again.

Ladybug and Rena were mortified while Plagg couldn't help but laugh uncontrollably. After a few seconds, Chat finally regained consciousness and opened his eyes.

"What's up?" Carapace greeted Chat, standing directly above him.

"How long have I been out?" Chat asked, groggily.

"Like, three seconds," Carapace replied.

"So when did you get here?"

"Oh, I was just standing directly behind you the entire time," Carapace explained, helping Chat stand up again. This time, nobody got attacked by a wild yoyo.

"So, is this everyone?" Rena asked, looking around. "One. Two. Three. Four..." Rena counted the others, herself, and then trailed off, pointing to nowhere in particular and looking around once more.

"There should be five of us, right?"

"That's what Tikki told me. And what she's currently telling me."

"So, what gives?"

"They're probably just trying to find their way here. Let's give them a few minutes." Chat suggested.

"We don't have time for that!" Rena shouted suddenly.

Everyone flinched and stared at her. Rena clasped her hands over her mouth, eyes wide. "I...I'm sorry. I don't know what that was."

"That was your kwami talking," Carapace said. "Wait, how do I know that?" Nino questioned.

"Because that was your kwami talking, dumbass," Chat answered.

"Language!" Ladybug shouted before quickly clasping her hands over her mouth as well.

For a few moments, nobody spoke as they all stood there, confused over suddenly having less control over their actions than usual.

"Enough! We'll worry about all that later! Let's just get this done already!" Rena shouted once again, not even trying to stop herself anymore.

"She's right-" Carapace spoke before being interrupted by a car landing right next to him. "...That was loud."

Everyone else could only stare in shock at the potential near-death experience that just took place in front of them.

"What are you guys looking at? We have a job to do." Carapace said, taking out his shield.

Screams and more crashes could be heard in the distance.

Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug Chat Noir Rena Rouge Carapace and also Queen BeeWhere stories live. Discover now