Origins: Rewritten - Part 2

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"So this is my new master," Tikki thought to herself, stuck underneath a plastic cup. "First I get flung against a wall, and now this."

Tikki wasn't really trapped. She could've just phased through the cup at any time, but she decided to stay underneath it anyway because the barrier between them seemed to make Marinette more comfortable with her presence.

"Can I talk now?" Tikki asked once Marinette had calmed down.

Marinette took some more time to process that this thing was actually real and talking to her before reluctantly replying. "Fine, go ahead."

"Thank you. Now as I was saying: Greetings, Marinette. My name is Tikki, and you have been chosen to be the new holder of the Ladybug Miraculous!"

"...The what?"

"The Ladybug Miraculous. A miraculous is a magical object that grants its user incredible power. It can take the form of anything that the user cherishes, your purse in this case."

"Wait, what did you do to my purse?!"

"Oh nothing, don't worry. Your purse is fine, I just needed to bond with an object that was important to you so that I could take on a physical form. Your purse will remain exactly as it already was, but now with the added feature of allowing you to transform!" Tikki explained.

"Transform into what?!" Marinette asked, already overwhelmed with these bits of vague information.

"Obviously you have questions. And they will all be answered. But right now all you need to focus on is saving Paris."

"Oh yeah, sure! Let me just get my shoes on real quick and save Paris! No problem!" Marinette started panicking even more than usual. "What am I even saving Paris from? Since when was Paris in danger in the first place?"

"Once again, there's a lot to explain. And it will be explained afterward. And don't worry, you won't be alone. You'll have 4 other selected heroes to help you out. And together, I know you'll do a good job!"

"Couldn't you just...choose somebody else? Why does it have to be me? I'm not exactly 'hero' material."

Tikki immediately phased through the glass cup and flew up to Marinette's face, suddenly deadly serious. Marinette backed up and nearly fell over in surprise. "Marinette, I want you to listen to me very closely. I want you to internalize what I'm about to say so that we can avoid having this discussion again in the future."

"...Ok," Marinette replied cautiously.

"I have been around for a very, very long time. Throughout the millennia I have had hundreds upon hundreds of chosen owners. And while a lot of them were very unsure of themselves, every single one of them turned out to be a perfect choice. They all came around eventually. Every. Single. One." Marinette had to keep backing up more and more because Tikki kept on getting closer to her face as she continued.

"Do you know how many times I've had this conversation before? Do you really think that you're going to be the one to defy the odds and screw up this job? No! All of them were chosen for a reason! And so were you! So I don't care whether or not you think you're 'hero material'! You are going to be a hero, and you're going to do great! Got it?"

Marinette was practically lying on the floor by that point, only able to offer up a quiet "...ok."

Tikki realized how out of line she had been and took in a breath before releasing it again.. "I apologize. I've had a lot of insecure owners in the past and this entire process has gotten a lot more tedious than you can imagine."


"Woah, cool. You're like the genie in the lamp." Adrien said, in awe of the tiny, floating, black cat that had suddenly materialized in front of him.

"I've met him once. So he grants wishes, big deal. I'm way more personable. I'm Plagg, nice to meet you. Hey, what's that?" Plagg flew over to the foosball table.

"Hey wait! Hold on!" Adrien said, trying to grab Plagg before he flew away.

"Ooooh shiny," Plagg said, flying over to the coin-op machine in the corner. "Can you eat this?" Plagg asked, not waiting for a response before biting into the joystick. 'Blegh! Nope."

"Can you stop, please?" Adrien had to resort to chasing Plagg all around his room and barely missing him as he kept zipping away again.

Adrien eventually resorted to just climbing up his rock climbing wall and pouncing on Plagg from above, landing on him and finally grabbing him.

"I still don't even know what you're doing here," Adrien said, holding Plagg in his hands now.

"Look, I'm a kwami, I grant powers. Yours is the power of destruction. Got it?"

"Uh-uh." Adrien shook his head.

Plagg paused for a moment. "Good. Now, got anything to eat? I'm starving."

"Ok, this is just my dad pranking me, right?" Adrien asked. "Wait no, it couldn't be. He has no sense of humor."

Plagg flew out of Adrien's grasp. "Your father must never know that I exist! Or anyone else but you, for that matter."

Adrien held up his hands in surrender. "Ok, got it. Now, what are you doing here exactly?"

Plagg groaned. "I just told you. I grant magical powers, and yours is the power of destruction."

"But what does that mean? And why do I even need powers in the first place? What's going on?"

"Well, duh. You need to have powers if you want to save Paris from destruction."

"But I thought my power was destruction," Adrien pointed out.

"Well, yeah but..." Plagg paused for a moment. "Whatever, shut up! I'm the one who grants the powers here so you listen to me now!"

"Ok. Fine, fine," Adrien said, holding his hands up once more. "So someone's attacking Paris and I have to stop them?"

"Yes! Finally! Now we can get on with it."

"But I'm stuck here. I'm not even allowed to go to school. What good is a superhero who's imprisoned in his own house?"

"Your father just keeps you in your room all day?"

"Well, not always. I do spend a lot of my time modeling. But other than that, yes."

"Hmmm..." Plagg assessed the situation and recognized that Adrien's father was going to be an issue in the foreseeable future. "Have you considered murdering him?" Plagg suggested.

"What?! No!!" Adrien yelled, distressed.

"Ah, man. I can already tell you're no fun," Plagg said, disappointed. "Well, that won't be a problem for long. Because we're busting out of here!"

Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug Chat Noir Rena Rouge Carapace and also Queen BeeWhere stories live. Discover now