Discussing Stuff

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Lila let out a guttural groan and threw her alarm clock across the room.

It kept beeping, her mother had bought her an indestructible alarm clock so she didn't have to keep replacing them every morning when they inevitably got destroyed.

Lila sighed and begrudgingly walked over to turn off the alarm. She had been up all night looking up things about the whole supervillain situation in Paris, she didn't want to be ill-prepared in case anything like that happened again. Plus, she was curious about how it all worked.

From what she gathered, the supervillains, or "akuma victims" as they were called, gained their powers from an unknown man who calls himself "Hawkmoth" after they feel strong negative emotions which Hawkmoth then preys upon, what a creep.

Nobody knows where he or the five heroes get their powers from, but people who have been "akumatized" before have reported that, from what they remember, Hawkmoth's goal was to obtain objects called "Miraculouses", which the heroes apparently have on them at all times and might be the very things that give them all their powers in the first place.

Lila found that name stupid. After all, miraculous was an adjective, not a noun. And trying to put it into a plural form made it sound even stupider.

But the thing that really pissed her off was Hawkmoth. She didn't know what he wanted, but his misuse of the ridiculously strong powers that he was given seriously annoyed her.

Not only did he most likely use it for selfish reasons, but he didn't even use it that well, to begin with. He can give people any powers that he wants, but he decides to make pigeon villains instead.

Sure, he's made a few pretty strong villains in the past, but those villains didn't use their powers to their fullest potential either. It was a huge disappointment no matter what angle Lila looked at it.

She started thinking about better ways to use that superpower when her phone alarm went off, signaling that it was time to leave for school. She must've lost track of time.

Lila picked up her small bag filled with all the things she would need for the day and walked out the door, ignoring the note that her mother left on her dresser.


"Who is that new girl?" Adrien questioned. "She helped us out a ton and she barely even had to do anything."

"I don't know, but I like her," Plagg replied.

"You're just saying that because she can commit crimes and get away with them." Adrien sighed.

"Do you think we should tell her?" Alya asked.

"About what?" Nino asked in response.

"About...you know," Alya gestured vaguely around the group. "Us?"

"I don't trust her," Chloe interjected. "People that smart are usually hiding something."

"That smart?" Marinette questioned. "She came up with a simple solution to a simple problem. It's not that she's too smart, we're just too dumb."

"Yes, exactly," Alya said. "That's the main reason I think we should recruit her. It would be really useful to have someone like her helping us out. She could act as a sort of common sense filter for us when we start overthinking things like we usually do."

"We should give her a miraculous," Plagg said.

"No," Tikki said firmly. "Master Fu was already risking a lot by giving away five miraculouses, including his own. And even if we could somehow convince him, we don't need another miraculous wielder in the team, what we have is fine."

"Who here is our current voice of reason?" Plagg asked the group.

Alya raised her hand. "And how many times have you actually used your powers?" Plagg asked.

"It's not my fault!" Alya immediately defended herself. "Trixx doesn't even want me to use them most of the time!"

"Don't even start with that shit!" Trixx yelled. "I've been getting better at letting up on you!"

"Language!" Tikki yelled.

"You still won't even tell me why you don't want me to use them!"

"I don't owe you an explanation! I'm thousands of years old!"

"I rest my case," Plagg said nonchalantly.

Tikki sighed. "I am perfectly fine with her knowing about the miraculouses, but just giving them away on a whim is way too much."

"Isn't that exactly what Master Fu did, though?" Plagg pointed out. "It only took like, a day for him to find suitable wielders for all five of us and they all came from the same exact place. There's no way he was completely certain that they were all the correct choices within that time frame. And look at how well these guys turned out."

"Master Fu was, admittedly, a bit lax with his decisions, I will give you that," Tikki conceded. "But Paris was already in danger, he was short on time and he just happened to stumble across several people who ended up being great for the job. That's not the case right now, we have time to decide who we can trust or not."

"I never considered the idea that we could give someone else another miraculous," Marinette said pensively. "Going up against Hawkmoth and his victims would be a lot easier with more people helping us at once."

"Marinette, no!" Tikki immediately shut her down. "That is a very dangerous slope to stand on! The entire reason Master Fu even needed to give them away in the first place was that the miraculouses were too powerful to be used in non-emergency situations, and the butterfly miraculous needed to be retrieved because nobody should have this power. By giving any more away, we would be disgracing the entire purpose of the original mission!"

"But if it could potentially help us defeat Hawkmoth quicker, then aren't we bound by duty to recruit more people?" Marinette asked. "The greatest plans in history required at least some risk. Trusting people has never led us astray before, what's the harm in letting someone else in on this?"

"Marinette, I have been very lenient with you thus far, but this is where I have to draw the line. If you can't let this go, then I will have to tell Master Fu that your secret identity being revealed has caused you to become overconfident, and then he will have to choose someone else." Tikki said, not willing to leave any room for argument.

Everyone went silent after that.

Marinette stared at Tikki, completely unable to react for a few seconds before her face dropped and she looked to the side.


Tikki looked down and sighed. She opened her mouth to speak again.

"What are you guys doing?" Lila asked, approaching them.

All five kwamis hid from her sight. "Just talking," Marinette said, an unreadable expression on her face.

Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug Chat Noir Rena Rouge Carapace and also Queen BeeWhere stories live. Discover now