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"Everything's going according to plan. Ladybug and Chat Noir's miraculous' have been activated. Here they come to save the day. And now, my supervillain will destroy them!" Hawkmoth said to himself alone in his lair like a weirdo.

"What? What is this?" Hawkmoth exclaimed at the sight of two other superheroes arriving on the scene. "Well, no matter. That just means two more miraculous will be under my control!" Hawkmoth stated confidently.

"Hey, It's not very nice to pick on people who are smaller than you!" Chat said while rescuing Kim from the rock giant.

"I guess you're talking about yourself," Stoneheart said, lifting his fist to attack.

"What? No. That's the opposite of what I was-" Chat was quickly shoved out of the way by Carapace as he held up his shield to block Stoneheart's fist. All that did was cause Carapace to get slammed to the ground.

Fortunately, his transformation made him more durable so he wasn't hurt too severely. He did still feel pain though.

"That's not how your miraculous works!" Rena shouted, swooping in from the side. "You're supposed to activate its ability by saying a special phrase!"

"Oh yeah." Carapace groaned, lying in a crater on the ground.

While that was happening, Chat Noir ran up from behind Stoneheart and swung his baton down on him, hitting him successfully.

"Ha! Take tha-!" Stoneheart swatted him out of the air like a fly. Stoneheart grew in size.

It was at that moment that Rena Rouge started to realize that her partners were idiots. Or maybe they were just teenagers. Or maybe both. Either way, she needed to figure out some kind of plan. Something was missing.

Rena looked around to see which factor could be causing them to mess up so much. She noticed Ladybug still standing at the top of the stadium, just watching the battle nervously. "What are you waiting for?! You're supposed to be down here fighting with us!"

Ladybug suddenly looked back at her in surprise. Tears started welling up in her eyes as she looked back and forth between the fight and Rena.

Alya finally realized what the problem was. She jumped up to meet with her, hoping the boys could hold Stoneheart off for now.

She walked up to Ladybug, who seemed to pull away from her a bit. "I'm...I'm sorry. I don't think I can do this. I don't know what.." She was struggling to get the words out as her breath started to pick up.

"Hey. No. Listen to me." Alya tried to aim the girl's focus on her instead of the situation around them. "I shouldn't have yelled at you. I'm sorry about that. So, just listen to me for a second. Can you do that?"

Ladybug nodded slowly, trying to maintain eye contact.

"Ok, that's good. Focus on me. Don't focus on the fight. They've got it covered for now." Trixx was practically screaming at Alya but she blocked it out. This was more important. "Now, what's causing you to freak out so much?"

"I..." Marinette started to steady her breath as she attempted to come up with the answer. "This is all..happening so fast. I just found out that I've been chosen to be a superhero like, five minutes ago and I don't even know what I'm supposed to be doing. I just can't do this. I'm sorry."

Ladybug looked away and let out a slightly shaky breath.

Alya thought for a moment. "Do you think you could be ready at some point soon? And the problem is that it's all being dropped on you at once?" She asked.

"I mean...maybe? I don't know," Marinette answered as honestly as she could.

" So..maybe you could wait on the sidelines for now? As support or something, until you're ready to act? Would that help?"

Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug Chat Noir Rena Rouge Carapace and also Queen BeeWhere stories live. Discover now