Problem Solved (Probably)

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"What type of cat did you say this was again?" Master Fu asked.

"," Adrien quickly improvised.

'This kid has never told a lie in his life,' Plagg realized.

"Very well. I am going to need to be alone with him for this. If you don't mind."

"Umm...ok." Adrien stepped out of the room and closed the door. Not-so-secretly pressing his ear against it.

Master Fu waited a few seconds. "What do you want, Plagg?"

"There's a bit of a problem," Plagg lied. "I think he might suspect the real identity of Queen Bee. And I don't know what I should do about that."

"I know."

"Well-" Plagg's brain shut off for a second and rebooted. He stopped spinning his yarn of lies and realized what Master Fu had just said. "Excuse me?"

"I know," He repeated. "I specifically chose heroes that simultaneously were perfect for the job and knew who the others were."

"Before they even knew each other?" Plagg questioned.

"...Yes," Master Fu answered after a pause.

"How did you know that Adrien would meet them all?"

"OK, fine! I didn't know that they would figure it out and I was trying to play it off by acting like it was my plan all along!" Master Fu let out suddenly.

"Wow. I really had to drag that one out of you, huh?" Plagg teased.

"Just...just tell your friend to get back in here." Master Fu pinched the bridge of his nose.

"He knows. You can come in now." Plagg turned to the door.

Adrien walked back in, feeling awkward.

"Come, sit down," Master Fu instructed. Adrien obliged.

"I am going to be honest with you. I was very seriously considering revoking your miraculous. Yours in particular. You revealed your secret on the first day of having it."

"Yeah, that's fair. Did you decide not to though?" Adrien asked, a tinge of hope in his voice.

"Yes. For one reason. Well, two reasons."

"The reasons being?" Adrien inquired.

"One: It would be extremely difficult to find five new holders on such short notice," Master Fu held up one finger. "And two: I overheard the entire conversation you all had yesterday."

"What does that have to do with it?"

"You all work together really well. At least, when you're not constantly yelling at each other and blaming each other. I haven't heard of an entire group of five miraculous holders putting aside their differences and coming up with a concrete plan together in quite some time." Master Fu explained. "Albeit your reasoning was a bit flawed, seeing as it was all for the purpose of lying to me. But I believe you all can use that drive to accomplish great things someday."

"'re giving us a chance?"

"Yes. Emphasis on 'a chance'," Master Fu warned. "If all of you knowing each other's identities impedes your improvement or makes it dangerous for any of you, I will find five other heroes and revoke your miraculous immediately."

"Understood," Adrien nodded, trying and mostly failing to hide his excitement.

"And remember," Master Fu began. "Experience is a comb that life gives us when we are bald."

"...Ok," Adrien replied, pretending to know what he meant.

Plagg groaned. "That's barely even relevant to the situation!" Plagg turned to Adrien. "I'm sorry, he does this a lot. He says random, ancient Chinese proverbs that refer to really general situations so that he can look like a genius when something he says ends up being relevant to something that happens in the future."

"The greatest gift and honor is having you for a daughter," Master Fu stated wisely.

"Wow," Adrien started wiping away tears. "Such profound wisdom."

"That's just a quote from Mulan! It's not even a proverb! There's even a perfectly good proverb earlier in that film that was said by the same character! You could've easily used that!" Plagg fumed.

"Life is the reason that we are alive."

"Ok, you're a lost cause. C'mon, we're leaving." Plagg pulled Adrien's sleeve toward the exit.

"And remember: Punching a bear in the face is a bad idea every day except for one." Master Fu said as the duo left. Plagg could be heard yelling at Master Fu from the other room, but Master Fu ignored him and went back to wisely stroking his beard.

Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug Chat Noir Rena Rouge Carapace and also Queen BeeWhere stories live. Discover now