The Evillustrator

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"Someone, please help!" Marinette pleaded.

"Nobody can save you now!" Stormy Weather mocked. "Especially not some superhero with the power to create whatever he draws!"

"I wouldn't be too sure about that!" Said a superhero with the power to create whatever he draws.

Stormy Weather turned toward the direction of the voice and scowled. "You'll never be able to save her! I'm way too strong!"

"Oh yeah?" The mysterious hero took out a tablet and drew something on it.

A translucent box appeared around Stormy Weather. She blasted the walls around her but nothing happened. She was trapped.

"My hero!" Marinette ran up to the mystery guy and hugged him.

"No need to thank me. I'm just doing my job," He said humbly.

"'re so humble and dreamy," Marinette swooned.


Nathaniel had a smile on his face as he drew his comic.

"And that's why it's impossible to lick your elbow," Ms. Mendeleiev finished her physics lecture that didn't have anything to do with physics.

She turned around and looked at her class, noticing that none of them were paying attention. She decided to single out the person in the back because that's what teachers do.

"Nathaniel! What are you doing?" She walked up to him.

"Hm?" Nathaniel looked up.

"You know you're not allowed to draw in class! Go to Mr. Damocles' office!"

Nathaniel begrudgingly picked up his things and walked towards the door. Then the universe decided 'fuck this kid in particular' and he tripped and spilled all of his drawings over the floor.

Chloe picked up the comic. "Oooohhh~ look at this. He drew himself as a superhero. And look who he's saving: Marinette."

Some students laughed but most weren't even paying attention.

"Yeah, who even likes kissing girls?" Kim asked. "....Wait."

"I do!" Chloe defended herself.

"What?" Kim asked.

"What?" Chloe asked, realizing what they had both just said.

Chloe and Kim stared at each other for a few seconds before Nathaniel ripped the comic out of Chloe's hands and ran off.

"Great, I hope that doesn't come back to bite us all in the ass," Marinette said.


"I don't want to hurt anyone, just Chloe," Evillustrator said, cornering Marinette in her room.

"Yeah, that checks out," Marinette admitted. "So your akumatization was entirely Chloe's fault?"

"That's right."

' I think I'm starting to sense a pattern here' Marinette thought as she made a mental note to talk with Chloe later.

"So anyway, why are you asking me out as a supervillain instead of as yourself?"

"This is the only way that I will ever have the confidence to even talk to you, let alone ask you on a date."

"But why? I'm not that scary, am I?"

"No, it's not that. You're just so..." Evillustrator trailed off as he tried to think of one of the numerous compliments he could be giving her at the moment.

Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug Chat Noir Rena Rouge Carapace and also Queen BeeWhere stories live. Discover now