Team Miraculous

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"Spots off," Marinette said before anybody could react.

"...greetings?" Tikki addressed the group unsurely.

"I mean, I might as well at this point," Adrien reluctantly agreed. "Claws in."

"Hey, Sugarcube," Plagg addressed Tikki as soon as he saw her.

Tikki groaned. "I did not miss that."

"Shell off."

"Let's rest."

"...Fine. Buzz off."

"Hello everyone," Tikki addressed her fellow kwamis. "How long has it been since we last saw each other? Three whole days?"

"Three days," Wayzz repeated. "It only took three days for all of you to reveal your secret identities. You had two rules to follow: Only use your powers for good, and don't tell anyone who you really are. This is ridiculous."

"Utterly ridiculous?" Chloe asked.

"No, not that ridiculous."

"I'm just happy to see all of my friends again." Pollen tried to lighten the mood.

"Yeah, this isn't so bad," Plagg concurred. "At least now we have nothing to hide from each other."

"I mean, yes, obviously they were most likely going to figure out each other's identities since they all knew each other. I doubt they could have kept it a secret for very long. But they barely even tried! And-" Tikki stopped and stared at something. "Is Trixx seriously sleeping right now? This is important!"

Everyone turned to look at Trixx, who was fast asleep on top of Alya's head. "Yeah, they do this a lot," Alya explained. "Every time I de-transform they get really tired and just go to sleep for some reason."

"They've been that way for a while," Pollen acknowledged. "This job takes a lot out of them."

"Wait, why?"

"That is not our information to disclose," Tikki cut in. All of the kwamis silently nodded in agreement.

"Then can you at least disclose who Master Fu is?" Marinette asked.

"I do not think that that would be a good idea," Wayzz answered. "May the five- I mean, the four of us discuss this alone?"

"Alright, I guess," Marinette reluctantly agreed. The four kwamis flew a few dozen feet away and started to talk silently.

"...I can't believe you were given a miraculous," Chloe jeered at Marinette.

"Ditto," Marinette responded without even looking at Chloe.

"What makes you so special?"

"Ditto again."

Chloe figured that Marinette wasn't going to give her the satisfaction of an actual response. So she just scoffed and turned away dramatically.

"Well, I'm glad you're here Chloe," Adrien said, smiling.

"Of course you are. Who wouldn't be happy to see me?"

"Me," Marinette stated matter-of-factly.

"Nobody, that's who," Chloe continued, ignoring Marinette. "Oh yeah! I forgot, why did you leave me at school yesterday?" Chloe asked, her anger suddenly returning.

"I didn't know that you wanted to talk to me," Adrien answered. "And I was just trying to get away from these three, they were acting really weird-." Adrien stopped like he just realized something.

"Is that why you guys were staring at me that entire day?"

"Yeah," Nino answered.

"I thought I was just being weird and you were all too polite to call me out on it!" he sighed in relief.

"So it was you three who kept him away from me!" Chloe glared accusingly.

"Can you guys stop yelling please?" Alya asked quietly.

"We've reached a decision," Tikki interrupted.

"No, you have reached a decision that I was outvoted on," Wayzz corrected.

"WE have reached a decision," Tikki repeated irritably. "We are not going to tell Master Fu about this yet because we really like you guys and we don't want him to force you into giving us up."

"He can do that?" Adrien asked.

"And you guys can just...disobey him if you want to?" Marinette asked. "What exactly is your relationship with him anyway?"

"He is our guardian. We listen to whatever he says because he's been doing this for over one hundred years and he knows what is best for us," Wazz explained, glaring at Tikki.

Tikki glared right back. "However, we don't have to listen to whatever he says because we've been doing this for thousands of years and he's not the boss of us."

"That is exactly what he is to us!" Wayzz argued. "He's our boss, our master! We only ever refer to him as 'Master' Fu!"

"That's because he never tells us his real name," Plagg interjected.

"Thank you! See?! Even Plagg can tell when you're being dense!"

"SHUT UP!!!" Trixx screeched at the top of their lungs. Everyone immediately stopped to look at them. "This is unbelievable! How old are you guys?! Why do you all constantly act like infants? I'm the youngest one out of all of us! How am I being the most mature one here? I already didn't want to be selected and you guys are making it so much worse!" Trixx was panting by the end of their rant.

Everyone remained silent. None of the other kwamis wanted to make eye contact with Trixx after the sudden outburst.

Trixx read the room and steadied their breathing before speaking their mind again. "Alright, I have an idea. Here's what's going to happen: One of you is going to go to Master Fu with your owner and tell him that you think they might suspect the secret identity of one of their partners. You can see how he would react if one of your identities was potentially revealed, and he most likely wouldn't rescind someone's right to use a miraculous simply based on suspicion alone. Does that sound good to you?"

Wayzz spoke up. "That...might work, actually."

"Of course, it would work. I came up with it," Trixx stated confidently. "I'm not the kwami of illusion for nothing. I ought to know how to lie convincingly."

"Ok, so who should be the one to do it?" Tikki asked.

"I should go," Adrien volunteered almost immediately. "I was the one stupid enough to accidentally reveal my identity in the first place. Plus, Plagg seems like the one to have the least qualms about lying to his face."

"You got that right," Plagg responded, wearing a shit-eating grin. "I'll lie to the old man like my life depends on it."

"Please do not," Adrien practically begged him "You just have to tell him the one small lie. Oh, and I guess you have to tell a lie about why you brought me to him in the first place. Do we have an explanation for that?"

Everyone continued to pitch in ideas. Slowly, they were forming their very first actual plan. Team Miraculous was in full cooperation mode.

And somewhere not too far from there, a wise, old man was thoughtfully stroking his beard.

Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug Chat Noir Rena Rouge Carapace and also Queen BeeWhere stories live. Discover now