Prologue: A firedragon in the Pokémon world

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Earth has become a wasteland ruled by the evil shadow dragon Drazeros and his army. The only survivor is Kai Loud the firedragon who lost his friends and family to Drazeros. Now Kai must defeat Drazeros and bring Earth back to normal or everyone will be his slave to work in the mines.

A family is running away from both a wolf and tiger named Siderian and Felice as they were after them.

Siderian:(anger) Get back here you maggots!

Mother: Keep running!

Felice brings out her pistol and fires at them. The family took cover but they were now cornered as Felice and Siderian got closer to the human family ready to kill them. But then an orange blur came and it revealed to be Kai Loud the firedragon but he had a scar on his face that made his left eye blinded.

Siderian:(evil smirk) Well...Well...Well... If it isn't the firedragon. I thought you had died.

Kai:(anger) Well I'm still alive. You two aren't going to harm them.

Felice:(evil smile) We'd like to see you try and stop us!

The two charged at Kai as the firedragon got into a battle stance. Siderian tried to roundhouse kick him but Kai grabs his leg and smashes him on the ground. Felice tried to slash him with two of her gauntlet blades but he dodges them and punches her hard in the stomach. Felice coiled in pain holding her stomach.

Siderian brings out his sword as he tried to stab him but Kai reacted quickly as brings out his sword and the two clashed with their blades. Felice soon got back up and charged at Kai from behind to strike a fatal blow to Kai. But the firedragon jumps and she accidentally stabbed Siderian in the chest killing him.

Felice:(rage) I'll kill you!

Kai: Bring It!

The two clashed many times neither one giving an opening until Kai stabbed her in the chest and Felice died.

Kai then walked to the human family to make sure they were alright.

Kai: Are you four alright?

Father:(grateful smile) Yes we're fine. Thanks to you.

Kai smiled at that and was glad he got there in time to save them. But they soon heard an evil laugh. They looked behind them and saw Drazeros standing before them. The mother pushed the two children behind her. Kai growled in fury of seeing him.

Drazeros:(evil smile) As always Kai you never disappoint.

Kai looked to the human family.

Kai: Get out of here! I'll hold him off!

Father: You can't fight him on your own! You'll die!

Kai: Go!

The human family ran out of danger as Kai and Drazeros glared at each other with hate.

Drazeros: You're a fool Kai. You can't hope to defeat me.

Kai: I wouldn't bet on that Drazeros I will free Earth from your tyranny.

Drazeros laughed evilly.

Drazeros: We'll see. I'll be sure to reunite you with your friends and family in the afterlife.

Kai was furious as he charged at Drazeros. The two dragons clashed and thrashed not giving up. Kai punched Drazeros sending him crashing straight at the building. Drazeros soon got back up and charged at the firedragon bringing out his sword and the two clashed with one another. Kai tried to cut off his head but Drazeros dodges and slashed him on the leg.

Kai grunted in pain but paid no mind as he kicked him in the face. Drazeros shook it off as the two continued to fight each other to the death. The two punched each other giving each blow to one another. Kai then kneed him in the chest and continuesly punched him in the face. Drazeros grabs his fist punched Kai in the face and kneed him in the stomach.

Drazeros then charges at Kai with his sword. Kai didn't have enough time to dodge as he was soon stabbed in the chest. Kai coughed up blood and Drazeros smiled evilly as he has finally claimed victory but not before he also felt pain in his chest and saw that Kai had also stabbed him in the chest.

Kai: If I fall you will fall with me.

Drazeros: (rage) Damn you Kai!

They both died as their souls were about to enter the afterlife but fate had other plans for Kai as he was sent to a world not his own. But Drazeros and the others have also been sent there as well.

Kai soon woke up but realized that he felt different. Kai walked to the river and saw that he was completely different. He was in a Flareon's body and he had two different eye colors. His left eye is blue and his right eye is red.

 His left eye is blue and his right eye is red

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Kai:(shocked) What happened to me?! Why am I a Flareon?!

Kai now stood on four legs but he now had a mane around his neck. Kai didn't know what was going on he thought he died. He thought that he was in the afterlife to see his friends and family again. But here he was alive and in a new body.

Kai: Where am I...?

Meanwhile in the forest...

A Certain enemy of Kai had awakened and also were in Pokémon body. Drazeros was furious. He will make sure that Kai will pay with his life. Drazeros was in an Umbreon's body the tip of tail is grey as well as the tip of his ears and his paws. Drazeros still had his eye patch covering his right eye but had a scar on his left cheek

 Drazeros still had his eye patch covering his right eye but had a scar on his left cheek

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Umbreon(Drazeros):(anger) When I find you Kai. I will enjoy killing you and those that dare stand in my way!

Drazeros let out a roar as he will kill Kai and all those that dare stand in his way. 

This is now a whole new adventure for Kai as he will meet new friends, old and new enemies. Kai and the eeveelution squad will do whatever it takes to protect Gaia from evil forces.

To be continued...

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