Chapter 12: Battle for the Master Kingdom Stone part 2

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The battle in the temple has now begun. Kai and Drazeros both punched and kicked each other. Kai roundhouse kicked Drazeros but he blocks it and punched Kai in the chest. Silvia and Drusilla were also clashing.

Silvia: Moon Blast!

Silvia fires her attack at Drusilla.

Drusilla: You think that will beat me!

The red Sylveon uses her feelers as she blocks the attack. Both Silvia and Drusilla glared at each other determined to beat each other.

CC uses her Icebeam at Amelia but the shiny Espeon dodged it and used her psychic as she slams her into the wall. Kelvin and Sabrus traded blows to each other as the ground started to shake from their attacks.

Sabrus: I'm going to enjoy killing you!

Kelvin: You can try!

Kelvin punched Sabrus under his chin as he crashed into the wall. Pearl helped her sister in the battle with Amelia.

Seether and Seth clashed as both auras appeared around them as the two brothers clashed and the same with Bella and Madison. Speed, Lazuli, Crystal, Solarflare, and Leafy are fighting Slash and his pack.

Slash: Not bad Jolteon but that won't be enough to beat me!

Speed: Wanna bet?

Both Speed and Slash fought each other with great agility while Lazuli and the others fought his pack and Berserk Pokemon.

Kai and Drazeros continued to fight and clash as barrages of attack were causing the temple to shake.

Drazeros: Chaotic Dark Cannon!

Drazeros fires a powerful blast at Kai as he became trapped in the rubble.

Silvia:(worried) Kai!

Drusilla: Don't get distracted Silvia! Dark Blast!

The red Sylveon gathered dark energy and fired at Silvia as she was knocked out same with Speed and the others.

Drazeros grabs the stone.

Drazeros:(evil smile) Farewell Kai and Eeveelution Squad!

He blasts the pillars holding the temple started to collapse.

Kai: We need to get out of here!

Kelvin: Agreed.

Kai placed Silvia on his back while Kelvin and Seether got the Eeveelution Squad as they made it out of the temple.

After they got out of the temple Silvia and the others woke up.

Lazuli: They got the stone!

Kai: Unfortunately but we can't give up. We'll stop them no matter what.

Speed: I agree with Kai no matter what we can't give up!

To be continued...

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