Bio: Krowl Loud the Winddragon/Espeon and Artemis Loud the Naturedragon/Leafeon

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Name: Krowl Loud the Winddragon/Espeon

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Species: Winddragon(former)/Espeon(current)

Level: 68

Personality: Funny, Laidback, Brave, Heroic, Caring, Helpful

Personality: Funny, Laidback, Brave, Heroic, Caring, Helpful

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(Former appearance)

(Current appearance)

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(Current appearance)

Likes: Her new home, Indigo(her crush), Comedy movies, Helping others, The Eeveelution Squad, Kai and his friends, Video games, Having fun, Cupcakes, Pranking Artemis, Dragold, Arceus, Palkia, Dialga

Dislikes: Evil, Drazeros and his team, Gia(hates), Byako, Destruction, Chaos, Arrogant people, Jerks, Tyrants, Bullies, perverts, Horror movies, Berserk Pokemon, Dharak, Kai Black, Metal Kai and his crew, Kai.exe and Eeveelution Squad.exe

Love Interest: Indigo the Umbreon

Krowl's Backstory: Krowl had a great life with her adoptive mother Luan Loud and her step siblings PickyPiggy and Gerry Giraffe along with her boyfriend Aiger

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Krowl's Backstory: Krowl had a great life with her adoptive mother Luan Loud and her step siblings PickyPiggy and Gerry Giraffe along with her boyfriend Aiger. Until they were killed by Gia. Krowl and Gia fought to the death and died. She is reborn as a Espeon and meets Indigo the Umbreon. The two became close friends and starts to fall in love with each other.

Name: Artemis Loud the Naturedragon/Leafeon

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Species: Naturedragon(former appearance)/Leafeon(Current appearance)

Level: 49

Personality: Smart, Kind, Gentle, Helpful, Brave, Heroic, Calm, Caring 

Personality: Smart, Kind, Gentle, Helpful, Brave, Heroic, Calm, Caring 

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(Former appearance)

(Current appearance)

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(Current appearance)

Likes: Maxwell(her crush),Her new home, The Eeveelution Squad, Sci-Fi Movies, Science Experiments, reading books, Kai and his friends, Stargazing, Rescuers, Having fun, Playing Video games 

Dislikes: Evil, Gia(hates), Chaos, Drazeros and his team, Jerks, perverts, Tyrants, Kai Black, Dharak, Byako, Arrogant people, Bullies, Her friends hurt, Jake and Krowl's pranks, Destruction, Berserk Pokemon, Metal Kai and his crew, Kai.exe and Eeveelution Squad.exe

Love Interest: Maxwell the Shiny Sylveon

Artemis's Backstory: Artemis lost her adoptive mother Lisa Loud and her step siblings Bubba Bubbaphant and Nicole the Fennekin along with her boyfriend Felix to Gia and Byako

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Artemis's Backstory: Artemis lost her adoptive mother Lisa Loud and her step siblings Bubba Bubbaphant and Nicole the Fennekin along with her boyfriend Felix to Gia and Byako. Artemis and Gia both fought to the death and they both died. Artemis is then reborn as a Leafeon and meets Maxwell the Shiny Sylveon. The two became close friends and they fell in love with each other.

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