Bio: Amethyst the Sylveon/Umbreon and Ember the Shiny Flareon

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Name: Amethyst the Sylveon/Umbreon hybrid

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Level: 78

Personality: Energetic, Cheerful, Laidback, Silly, Helpful, Brave, Energetic, Heroic

Personality: Energetic, Cheerful, Laidback, Silly, Helpful, Brave, Energetic, Heroic

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Likes: Jake(her crush), Kai and his friends, Having fun, sweets, Playing with Sunshine and Axl, The Eeveelution Squad, Training with her friends

Dislikes: Evil, Chaos, perverts, Jerks, Arrogant people, Tyrants, Felice(hates), Drazeros and his team, Seeing her friends hurt, Bullies, Meanies, Destruction 

Love Interest: Jake McBride the Shiny Espeon

Amethyst's backstory: Amethyst is an energetic Eeveelution who likes to have fun

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Amethyst's backstory: Amethyst is an energetic Eeveelution who likes to have fun. When she was a Eevee her parents have always loved and cared for her before they were killed by a wild Nidoking. Even though she lost her parents she still kept pushing forward and meets Jake she falls in love with him and so does Jake.

Name: Ember the Shiny Flareon

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Level: 73

Personality: Calm, Serious, Helpful, Brave, Heroic, Caring

Personality: Calm, Serious, Helpful, Brave, Heroic, Caring

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Likes: Drazen(her crush), Kai and his friends, Training with Kai and the others, The Eeveelution Squad, Helping others, Playing with Sunshine and Axel

Dislikes: Evil, Seaweed(hates), Arrogant people, Jerks, perverts, Bullies, Tyrants, Drazeros and his team, Seeing her friends hurt, Destruction, Chaos, Jake's pranks, Tazzuk, Dragren, Grimy

Love Interest: Drazen Loud the Shiny Glaceon

Ember's Backstory: Ember is a kind Eeveelution that helps out Pokemon

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Ember's Backstory: Ember is a kind Eeveelution that helps out Pokemon. She can also be serious when someone hurts the innocent. She meets Drazen and they both fall in love in with each other. Her parents were killed by Seaweed when she was 3 years old.

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