Bio: Dravise Loud the Shadowfiredragon/Blue Leafeon

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Name: Dravise Loud the Shadowfiredragon/Blue Leafeon

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Level: 85

Species: Shadowfiredragon(former)/Blue Leafeon(currently)

Personality: Serious, Calm, Funny, Helpful, Caring, Stern

Personality: Serious, Calm, Funny, Helpful, Caring, Stern

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(Former Appearance)

(Current Appearance

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(Current Appearance

Likes: His new home, Katara the Espeon(his crush), Shelly the Shiny Vaporeon, Lunar the Sylveon, Kai, Aerion, Dracyan, the Eeveelution Squad, Helping others, Having fun, Reading Books, Seether, Kelvin

Dislikes: Evil, Drazeros, Arrogant people, Sabrus, Seth, Jack, Makuta, Mephiles(hates), Bullies, Jerks, Idiots, Perverts, Chaos, Destruction, Seeing his friends hurt, Anyone flirting with Katara, Drusilla, Amelia, Madison, Slash and his pack

Love Interest: Katara the Espeon

Dravise's backstory: Dravise's adoptive mother Lucy Loud and his brother Catnap were both killed by Mephiles

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Dravise's backstory: Dravise's adoptive mother Lucy Loud and his brother Catnap were both killed by Mephiles. Dravise and Mephiles fought each other. They were both reborn as Pokemon. Dravise, Dracyan, and Aerion meets Shelly and her sisters as they each became lovebirds.

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