Chapter 1: Fighting wild Pokémon and meeting the Eeveelution Squad

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Kai wandered in the forest still wondering what happened to him. He definitely remembered that he died but he was now in a completely different world and in a whole different body.

Kai:(What in the world happened to me? I definitely died but I'm somehow alive and in a different body that seems to fire moves. Just what's going on?)

That's when a pack of wild Mightyenas surrounded him.

Mightyena: Well. Well. Well. What do we have here a lone Pokémon?

Mightyena 2: Looks like a Flareon has wandered on to our turf. But I bet he'll taste delicious.

Kai was disgusted when he heard that. They want to eat him. Kai also heard one of them call him a Flareon as well as a Pokémon.

Kai:(Is that what this creature's called? I'll worry about that later. I'd better find a way out of here since the only option left is to fight.)

Kai: I'm going to give you all one chance to walk away or I won't bother holding back.

Then the leader of the pack a shiny Mightyena walked up to Kai with an arrogant smile on his face.

Shiny Mightyena:(arrogant smirk) Oh? And what can you do against all of us?

Shiny Mightyena:(arrogant smirk) Oh? And what can you do against all of us?

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Kai: You're choice.

Kai punched the shiny Mightyena under his chin and kicked in the stomach sending crashing into the tree. The other Mightyenas were surprised and shocked. Kai got into a battle stance as he charged at them. The Mightyenas used flamethrower at Kai but dodges the attacks. Kai was soon covered in flames as he charged at the Mightyena pack. 

Mightyena:(scared) Screw this! I'm not planning on dying!

The Shiny Mightyena glared at Kai with anger on his face.

Shiny Mightyena:(anger) You will pay for this punk! Everyone fallback now!

The Mightyenas retreated and left Kai alone. Kai sighed in relief but still wondered what else his Flareon body can do.

Kai: I'll admit this new body is strong. I better find a town so I can rest.

Kai continued walking through the forest hoping to find a city nearby.

Meanwhile in the other part of the forest...

Drazeros tested his new body on the wild Pokémon Houndour and Houndoom that were foolish enough to think they had any chance of defeating him.

Drazeros(Umbreon):(evil smile)  This new body is very strong but I must keep looking for that Firedragon. I want him to suffer a slow and painful death by my claws.

He continued his search for Kai as he wants nothing more but revenge upon Kai for his defeat.

Back with Kai...

Kai found a city and saw more fascinating creatures walking around known as Pokémon.

Kai(smile):(This world is definitely peaceful. I wonder if there's any place I can stay at?)

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