Chapter 9: Attack of Metal Kai

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A Pikachu is walking in the forest until he sees a robot Flareon that almost looks like Kai. The Pikachu then cautiously walks toward the robot until its digital eyes came online as it glared at the Pikachu.

The Pikachu was about to run from the robot but it grabbed him and smashed his head as the Pikachu layed dead on the ground.

Metal Kai:(anger) Kai Loud!!!


Kai, Kelvin, and Seether are having a sparring match while Silvia, CC, and Bella are also having a sparring match.

Seether uses Energy Ball as headed toward both Kai and Kelvin. The two Flareons dodged and the three clashed. Silvia used Moonblast as the two Glaceons also dodged the attack. Bella used Icebeam as Silvia used her feelers to block the attack.

They decided to stop sparring match as they took a break.

Kai: Now that was a good match.

Silvia: You said it.

That's when Kai, Kelvin and Seether sensed a familiar energy signature heading toward them.

They see what appeared to be a robot Flareon that looked almost like Kai.

Kai:(shocked) Metal Kai?!

Silvia: You know that cheap knockoff?

Kai: Let's just say that a mad scientist created a robot version of myself to destroy me.

Kelvin: How did this scrap heap even get here?

CC: I don't know but we better take this robot down!

Kai and the others charged at Metal Kai. Kai and Kelvin both roundhouse kick the robot but Metal Kai blocked them. Silvia tackled the robot while Bella and CC used Icebeam to freeze its legs. Seether used Energy Ball sending the robot clone of Kai crashing into a tree.

Metal Kai got back up but he was sparking and knew that he can't beat all six of them.

Metal Kai: This isn't over. I will rule this world!

The robot Flareon retreated.

Kelvin: I can tell we'll be seeing that robot again.

CC: I hope so. That way I can turn it to scrap.

Now Kai and his friends have another dangerous foe to face.

To be continued...

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