Chapter 5: The Voiddragon Arrived

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In deep space a Phantom Ruby is heading straight to Gaia as it crash landed in the forest.

The Phantom Ruby started to glow as it started to form a physical body as a Shiny Umbreon. This being is Sabrus weilder of the Phantom Ruby.

Sabrus(Shiny Umbreon): What is this place?

A Shiny Espeon watched Sabrus from the shadows

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A Shiny Espeon watched Sabrus from the shadows.

Shiny Espeon: Well this is surprising. I'll have to keep an eye on him he could be a big help to get rid of Pearl and her family.

Sabrus sensed someone watching him.

Sabrus: Who's there?

The Shiny Espeon revealed herself to him. Sabrus blushed a little of seeing her. She had a scar on her left eye and a scarf around her neck.

Sabrus shook off the blush on his face.

Sabrus:(glares) Who are you?

Shiny Espeon: The names Amelia handsome.

Sabrus blushed when she called him that

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Sabrus blushed when she called him that.

Sabrus: What exactly do you want Amelia?

Amelia:(evil smile) How about we make a deal you help me and I'll help you.

Sabrus: And what deal is that?

Amelia:(evil smile) You help me in getting rid of a certain nuisance and you will get to do whatever you want on this world.

Sabrus thought about it for a moment and accepted the deal.

Amelia wouldn't admit it to anyone but she started to have a small crush on the former Voiddragon and wanted to know him more.

Meanwhile with Kelvin...

Kelvin and CC are enjoying the view as they are laying down on the grass.

Kelvin: This is definitely beautiful.

CC: You said it.

That's when Kelvin sensed a presence.

Kelvin: We got company.

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