Bio: Grimry the Basset the Hound/Umbreon

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Name: Grimry the Basset Hound/Umbreon

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Species: Basset Hound/Umbreon

Level: 77

Personality: Evil, Destructive, Ruthless, Cruel, Aggressive, Heartless

Personality: Evil, Destructive, Ruthless, Cruel, Aggressive, Heartless

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(Former Appearance)

(Current appearance)

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(Current appearance)

Likes: Chaos, destruction, Drazeros, Tazzuk, Dragren, Shady(his crush), Sabrus, Seth, Killing Pokemon, Makuta, Jack, Mephiles, Amelia, Madison, Moonlight, Shadowstorm, Ashlynn, Seaweed, Seeing cities burn, Slash and his pack, Seeing Henry suffer, Berserk Pokemon

Dislikes: Henry(hates), Kai and his friends, Arrogant people, Idiots, Failure, Fools, perverts, Nitwits, Imbeciles, losing, The Eeveelution Squad, Rescuers, Shade

Love Interest: Shady the Jolteon/Umbreon hybrid

Grimry's Backstory: Grimry is a dangerous warrior that likes bringing chaos and destruction and the one that killed Henry's adoptive family the Casagrandes

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Grimry's Backstory: Grimry is a dangerous warrior that likes bringing chaos and destruction and the one that killed Henry's adoptive family the Casagrandes. Henry and Grimry both fought to the death and died. Grimry is reborn as a Pokemon and meets a eeveelution hybrid named Shady the Jolteon/Umbreon hybrid. Grimry starts to fall in love with her.

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