Chapter 15: A battle between light and darkness part 2

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The battle between both sides has begun. Kai and Silvia are fighting Drazeros and Drusilla while Kelvin and the others fought Sabrus and the rest.

Super Drazeros and Kai clashed as they traded blows while Silvia and Drusilla fought each other.

Super Drazeros:(evil smile) You cannot defeat us Kai!

Kai: We'll die trying to stop you!

Meanwhile Kelvin and the others fights Sabrus and the rest.

Super Sabrus: Give it up! Kelvin you know you can't win!

Kelvin: I'll keep fighting no matter what happens to me!

Super Amelia: Why can't you fools just give up you know it's hopeless.

CC: I'll never give up!

Dracyan and Speed fought Makuta and Slash while the rest fought Siderian and his team. The battle was intense as both sides battled fiercely as neither side wasn't going to give up.

Odon used Flamethrower at Gia but she dodged and tackled him. Helix, Aurora, and Teal were about to go help Odon but they were stopped by Byako and Tazzuk.

Kai and Super Drazeros along with Silvia and Super Drusilla continued to fight as Kai and Silvia were covered in scratches as well as Drazeros and Drusilla. Silvia tried to punch Drusilla but she dodged and punched hard as she crashed into the wall.

Kai:(worried) Silvia!

Drazeros: Don't lose focus Kai!

Drazeros attacked him by using a powerful shadowball as it hits him as the Flareon crashed hard into the ground. Both Kai and Silvia were badly hurt.

Drazeros:(evil smile) This is the end for you and your friends! They will all die just like Lilac and the others.

Kai growled as he glared at Drazeros with anger but Silvia calmed him down.

Silvia: It's not over yet Drazeros.

Kai: She's right! This fight isn't over yet!

Then Kai and Silvia felt a surge of power as they have entered their super forms. Kai's fur is now azure blue and Silvia had fairy like wings.

Silvia: Woah.

Kai blushed when he saw her super form and thinks that she looks beautiful.

Super Drusilla:(anger) You think just because you both have unlocked super forms it won't be enough to destroy us!

Kai: We'll just have to see about! Ready Silvia?

Silvia: Ready.

Both Super Kai and Super Silvia charge at Super Drazeros and Super Drusilla as the battle has just begun. Which side will win and what will be the fate of Kai his friends and the Eeveelution Squad? Find out next Eeveelution Squad A Firedragon's new home.

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