Bio: Helix Loud the Waterdragon/Vaporeon and Odon Loud the Firedragon/Flareon

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Name: Helix Loud the Waterdragon/Vaporeon

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Level: 72

Species: Waterdragon(former)/Vaporeon(current)

Personality: Calm, Helpful, Brave, Caring, Heroic 

Personality: Calm, Helpful, Brave, Caring, Heroic 

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(Former appearance)

(Current appearance)

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(Current appearance)

Likes: His new home, Aurora(his crush), Kai, Jake, Henry, Kelvin, Krowl, Artemis, Seether, Silvia, Aerion, Dravise, Dracyan, Kian, The Eeveelution Squad, Helping others, Having fun, Training with Kai and the others, Speed, Kris, Trace, Flare, Lazuli, Star, Dusk, Dragold, Arceus, The Legendary Pokemon

Dislikes: Evil, Gia, Byako, Drazeros and his team, Slash and his pack, Tyrants, Jerks, Being reminded of his evil deeds, Destruction, Bullies, Arrogant people, Berserk Pokemon, Wild Pokemon, Chaos, Dharak, Kai.exe and Eeveelution Squad.exe, Kai Black, Evil Kai and Evil Eeveelution Squad

Love Interest: Aurora Loud the Shiny Vaporeon

Helix's Backstory: Helix a former enemy to Kai now redeemed

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Helix's Backstory: Helix a former enemy to Kai now redeemed. Helix lost his adoptive parents Lincoln and Ronnie Anne his step siblings Clever Claws, DogDay, DaisyDay, Luke, and Penny. Helix and Byako fought to the death and died. Helix, Odon, and Aurora are reborn as Pokemon. He will defend his new home from evil forces.

Name: Odon Loud the Firedragon/Flareon

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Species: Firedragon(former)/Flareon(current)

Level: 64

Personality: Hot-Headed, Brave, Heroic, Caring, Helpful 

Personality: Hot-Headed, Brave, Heroic, Caring, Helpful 

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(Former appearance)

(Current appearance)

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(Current appearance)

Likes: Teal(his crush), Helping others, Kai, Kelvin, Seether, Jake, Henry, Kian, Dravise, Dracyan, Aerion, Helix, Aurora, Krowl, Artemis, Indigo, Maxwell, Star, Dusk, Having fun, Training with his friends, The Eeveelution Squad, Rescuers, Action Movies

Dislikes: Evil, Byako(hates), Drazeros, Drusilla, Sabrus, Seth, Jack, Makuta, Siderian, Felice, Gia, Seaweed, Shady, Ashlynn, Moonlight, Dragren, Tazzuk, Grimy, Orchid, Birch, Shadowstorm, Jenna, Bullies, Jerks, Tyrants, Dharak, Kai.exe and Eeveelution Squad.exe, Kai Black, Evil Kai and Evil Eeveelution Squad, Arrogant people, perverts, Being reminded of his evil deeds

Love interest: Teal the Leafeon

Odon's Backstory: Like Helix Odon was also a former enemy of Kai before he and Helix found the proper path

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Odon's Backstory: Like Helix Odon was also a former enemy of Kai before he and Helix found the proper path. Odon lost his adoptive mother Lynn Loud Jr and his Step Siblings to Byako when he killed them. Odon died and is reborn as a Flareon and falls in love with Teal.

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