Bio: Moonlight the Espeon and Ashlynn the Eevee

18 1 0

Name: Moonlight the Espeon

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Level: 52

Personality: Cunning, Evil, Ruthless, Cruel, Destructive

Personality: Cunning, Evil, Ruthless, Cruel, Destructive

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Likes: Destruction, Dragren(her crush), Drazeros and his team, Killing Pokémon, Torturing Pokemon, Chaos, Seeing Kai and his friends suffer, Seeing cities burn, Reading Books

Dislikes: Kai and his friends, Ember(hates), Arrogant people, perverts, Fools, Idiots, Failure, Losing, Anyone that gets in her way

Love Interest: Dragren the Leafeon/Flareon hybrid

Moonlight's Backstory:  Moonlight was treated like an outcast and her parents would beat her for their amusement

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Moonlight's Backstory:  Moonlight was treated like an outcast and her parents would beat her for their amusement. Moonlight had enough as she killed her parents in cold blood. She is Drazeros and Drusilla's most feared warriors.

Name: Ashlynn the Eevee

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Level: 64

Personality: Ruthless, Evil, Cunning, Heartless, Cruel

Personality: Ruthless, Evil, Cunning, Heartless, Cruel

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Likes: Shadowstorm(her crush), Drazeros and the others, Destruction, Chaos, Killing Pokemon,  Seeing cities burn, Fighting, Making Pokemon fear her, Slash and his pack

Dislikes: Kai and his friends, Star(hates), arrogant people, perverts, Fools, Idiots, Failure, Losing, Nitwits, Eeveelution Squad, Anyone that gets in her way

Love Interest: Shadowstorm the Eevee

Ashlynn's Backstory: Ashlynn is the daughter of a feared clan called Obelisk Clan

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Ashlynn's Backstory: Ashlynn is the daughter of a feared clan called Obelisk Clan. She is the last survivor just like Star. She desires revenge for her clan and joins Drazeros in order to have it. She then has a crush on Shadowstorm.

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