Chapter 7: Christmas Special

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Christmas is here as all the pokemon are celebrating the holiday. The Eeveelution Squad are also celebrating Christmas.

Kai, Kelvin, and Seether are helping Pearl and Black with the presents.

Kai: I just hope Silvia likes the present I got her.

Kelvin: Relax dude I have a feeling she will.

Seether: This brings back memories like how spent Christmas with our girlfriends before...

Kai: Yeah I'd rather not have the bad memories haunt us on Christmas and I know that Lilac, Luxia, and Gali would want us to move on to be happy and find new love.

Pearl smiled at Kai's speech.

Pearl: (smile) And you guys are no longer alone.

Kai, Kelvin, and Seether nodded with smiles on their faces.

Sunshine and Axel ran up to Kai, Kelvin, and Seether and hugged them.

Kai:(smile) Hey you two how are you guys doing?

Sunshine:(smile) We're doing fine Big Bro!

Silvia, CC, and Bella along with others walked in the house.

Silvia: We're back!

Speed: I see that everyone is ready for Christmas.

Lazuli: Then let's make the best of it.

Alfred: I agree.

Meanwhile with Drazeros and his team...

Drazeros and the others didn't like Christmas all that much. 

Madison:(anger) I hate this holiday.

Drusilla: Welcome to the club.

Drazeros growled in anger because his parents would always abuse him on Christmas. Seth disliked Christmas because he can't kill any pokemon.

Slash: Oh come on guys let's just try to enjoy Christmas without having to destroy Kai and his friends.

Amelia: Shut up Slash!

Sabrus looks up and sees three missile toes.

Sabrus: Um guys.

Drazeros and Seth along with Drusilla and Madison looked up and sees missile toes hanging. They started to blush.

Drazeros kissed Drusilla on the lips. Drusilla blushed brightly but kissed back. Sabrus also kissed Amelia on the lips same with Seth as he kissed Madison.

Drazeros, Sabrus, and Seth still had blushes on their faces as did Drusilla, Amelia, and Madison also had blushes on their faces as well.

Slash: So now can we enjoy it?

Drusilla, Amelia, and Madison looked at Drazeros, Sabrus, and Seth with seductive looks as they are definitely going to enjoy this holiday.

Drazeros:(blushing) Anyone else getting the feeling that the girls are planning to have fun with us in bed?

Sabrus and Seth nodded  with blushes on their faces as well.

Drusilla, Amelia, and Madison:(seductively) Oh boys~

Drazeros, Sabrus, and Seth continue to blush as the girls licked their lips.

Slash: I'll... leave you guys be.

Back with Kai and his friends...

Kai and the others finished setting up the table for dinner as they celebrated the holiday.

Kai is helping Silvia with the food as they set it on the table. Everyone was talking and laughing. Kai was outside looking at the night sky

Silvia: Enjoying looking at the stars?

Kai looked to see Silvia was with him.

Kai: Yeah me and Lilac would always look at the stars.

Silvia: You really miss them huh?

Kai nodded sadly. Silvia comforted him with a hug.

Silvia: You're no longer alone and we'll always be here even me.

Kai: (grateful smile) Thanks Silvia.

Silvia: Anytime come on the others are waiting for us.

They returned to the house as everyone is waiting for Kai and Silvia.

Kelvin: Glad to see you two are back did you both enjoy your alone time.

Both Kai and Silvia blushed when he said that.

Gai: You two definitely make a cute couple together.

The two continued to blush brightly.

Pearl: So CC are you and Kelvin a couple?

Kelvin and CC started to blush as well.

CC:(blushing) S-sis!

Seether: Guys let's enjoy Christmas.

They each unwrapped their Christmas presents. Silvia has a beautiful necklace with a heartshape on it.

Kai: Merry Christmas Silvia.

Silvia kissed Kai on the cheek and Kai blushed.

Kelvin gave CC a bracelet. She hugs Kelvin as he blushed. Seether also gave Bella a necklace with snowflake.

Bella: This is the best gift! Thank you Seether!

Seether:(blushing shyly) Y-you're welcome.

Everyone is enjoying the holiday as their adventure is just beginning.

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