Chapter 8: The Darkness within

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In Kai's room he is still asleep but was having an awful dream. In his dream he sees himself in his dark form destroying the city while laughing evilly. Then Dark Kai attacks Kai.

Kai: Ah!

Kai woke up from the dream as he was breathing heavily.

Kai: I-It was just a dream just a bad dream.

Silvia walked in the room with a concern look on her face.

Silvia:(concern) Are you okay Kai?

Kai: Y-yeah I'm fine.

Silvia still looked concerned for Kai but chose to let it go for now.

Kelvin: Look who finally woke up.

Kai: Still grumpy as always.

Kelvin chuckled a little from that.

Seether: Something's never change.

The three chuckled.

Silvia, CC, and Bella smiled at the three former dragons.

CC:(smile) They definitely get along despite Kai and Kelvin being rivals.

Bella:(smile) True but I'm happy that they are reunited.

Silvia nodded but is still worried about Kai.

Kai and Silvia are both walking in the forest.

Silvia: Hey Kai mind if I ask you a question?

Kai: Of course.

Silvia: Well it's about that dream you had you seemed scared of it is something wrong?

Kai knew she was talking about his dark form from his dream.

Kai: To be honest I'm scared that I might lose control of myself.

Silvia didn't say anything but listened.

Kai:(close to tears) My dark form is very dangerous and I'm scared that I might hurt you and everyone.

Silvia hugged him and he hugged back.

Silvia:(sympathy) Hey as long as we stick together you don't have to worry about losing control of yourself.

Kai:(smile) Thanks Silvia.

Silvia:(smile) Anytime.

The two realized that they were still in a hug and both separated with huge blushes on their faces.

Silvia:(blushing) C-come on we better get back home.

Kai:(blushing) Y-yeah.

They both walked back to the house where the others are waiting for them but unaware that Kai's dark form plans to break free from him so that he can bring chaos and destruction.

To be continued...

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