Chapter 2: Meeting new friends old friend and enemy

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It was morning as Kai soon woke up and sees that Silvia is sleeping next to him. Kai blushed a little at how cute she is when she's asleep.

Kai gently woke her up.

Kai: Silvia time to get up.

Silvia yawned a little as she opened her eyes and looked at Kai and she blushed at how close she was with Kai.

Silvia:(blushing) M-morning Kai.

Kai chuckled.

Kai: (smile) Morning Silvia. Come on the others are waiting for us can't be late.

The two Eeveelutions went downstairs to see the rest of their friends for it was gonna be a long day.

Meanwhile in the forest...

Kelvin was still looking for Kai until he sensed a dark familiar presence and sees a dark like ball heading straight toward him he dodged it and saw someone that he hoped he would never see again.

Kelvin:(anger) Drazeros...

Drazeros:(evil smirk) So nice to see you Kelvin. I'll enjoy killing you again.

Kelvin:(anger) Not gonna happen!

Kelvin used flamethrower at Drazeros. The Umbreon dodged the attack and tackled him and punched Kelvin. Kelvin shook his head out of his woozy state and the two deliver barrages of punches to each other not giving each other an opportunity to fatally damage themselves.

Drazeros and Kelvin were both inches away from each other covered in bruises and scratches.

Drazeros: I'm impressed that you're still standing after all the damage you have sustained.

Kelvin: I'm not going to let you hurt anyone in this world Drazeros.

Drazeros: Tch we'll see I'll be sure to pay Kai a visit.

Drazeros ran off to continue his search for Kai and Kelvin followed to assist Kai in defeating him

Back with Kai...

Kai and the others were meeting up with the family at the park. Kai was happy to have met Silvia and her friends. Kai wished that he could have saved Jake and the others from Drazeros before they died brutally by his hand. But the former firedragon knew that he will need to move on and start a new life.

Gai: Hey guys!

Kai: Nice to see you Gai.

Gai:(smile) Good to see you Kai.

A Glaceon with glasses walked up to Kai

A Glaceon with glasses walked up to Kai

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Glaceon: You must be their new friend. My names Frank and you seem to be a perfect husband for my daughter.

Both Kai and Silvia blushed when he said husband.

Silvia:(blushing) D-dad! It's not like that!

Gai laughed at this.

Espeon: (sweet smile) Well this is certainly adorable. I'm Silvia and Gai's Mother Sylvia.

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