Chapter 6: The two Naturedragons

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In the forest Sabrus and Amelia are shocked to see Drazeros and Drusilla.

Sabrus: But how did-?

Drazeros: Long story.

Drusilla: For now come with us also Drazeros said that we'll be getting two more recruits that will arrive soon.

Sabrus and Amelia looked at each other and followed them.

Meanwhile in the mountains...

In the crater are two Leafeons but these are not ordinary leafeons these are former Naturedragons. Seether Loud a friend and ally to Kai and Kelvin. His brother Seth a chaotic and dangerous adversary that wanted to bring death and destruction were in the crater

Seether:(groans) Where am I and what happened to me?

Seth:(anger) I don't care where we are I'm going to enjoy killing you just like  Lana Loud and that pathetic girlfriend of yours!

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Seth:(anger) I don't care where we are I'm going to enjoy killing you just like  Lana Loud and that pathetic girlfriend of yours!

Seth:(anger) I don't care where we are I'm going to enjoy killing you just like  Lana Loud and that pathetic girlfriend of yours!

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Seether glared at his brother with absolute hatred.

Seether:(anger) You can try!

The two brothers clashed as they deliver barrages of punches to each other. Seether used a powerful Energy Ball as he fired at his brother. Seth dodged and fired blasts from his paws and tackled Seether. The two try to push each other to outpower each other.

Seether: Nature Cannon!

Seether unleashes a powerful blast from his paws straight at Seth but also creates a powerful blast.

Seth: Chaotic Strike!

The two blasts collided as the mountain starts to rumble as it fell upon both Leafeons causing them to be unconscious as they were separated.

A Glaceon sees Seether injured and unconscious and takes him to her den. In the other part of the mountain a Shiny Glaceon sees Seth and brings him to her cave.

Meanwhile with Kai and the others...

Kai and Kelvin sensed two familiar presence.

Kai: Kelvin did you feel that?

Kelvin: Yeah I felt it.

Silvia: What's going on?

Kai: That's what we're going to find out come on.

Back with Seether and Seth...

Seether woke up as he groaned.

?: I'm glad you're awake.

Seether looks to see a Glaceon and he blushed she was beautiful just like his girlfriend Gali before she died.

Seether:(blushing shyly) W-who a-are you?

Glaceon:(smiles) My names Bella.

Seether: Bella that's a beautiful name

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Seether: Bella that's a beautiful name.

Bella blushed when he said that.

Bella(blushing) T-thanks. So what's your name?

Seether:(shy) S-Seether.

Bella giggled at how cute Seether is when he's shy.

Bella:(smile) Nice to meet you Seether.

That's when Seether sensed something heading toward them.

Bella: Something wrong?

Seether got into a battle stance in case his brother plans to attack. But he sees Kai and Kelvin.

Seether:(surprised) Kai? Kelvin?

Kai and Kelvin: Seether!

The three hugged each other happy to see each other.

CC: I can tell he's a friend from you guys world.

Kai:(smile) Yep this here is Seether he's gentle and kind but he does have an out of control rage.

Kelvin: It's good to see you Seether.

Seether: It's good to see you guys too.

Now with Seth he woke up in a rocky bed.

Seth: Where am I?

Shiny Glaceon: You're in my cave cutie.

Seth looked to see a Shiny Glaceon and blushed when he saw her.

Seth:(glares) Who are you?

Shiny Glaceon: The names Madison.

Seth: Well nice to meet you Madison my names Seth

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Seth: Well nice to meet you Madison my names Seth.

Madison:(flirty) Cute name.

Seth blushed brightly.

Drazeros: I had a feeling that you would be here Seth.

Seth looked to see Drazeros Sabrus and others that he never met.

Seth: Drazeros Sabrus this is a surprise.

Sabrus: Good to see you too I suppose.

Drusilla: So he's also a Avalician dragon like you two?

Drazeros: Indeed Drusilla.

Amelia: Looks like we now have more teammates.

Madison:(evil smile) As long as I get to kill a certain brat then I will join you.

Drazeros smirked evilly as his army is growing as the battle for Gaia is drawing near.

To be continued...

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