Chapter 11: Battle for the Master Kingdom Stone part 1

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Kai and the Eeveelution Squad have found the temple and entered the temple.

Speed: Let find that stone before Drazeros and the others do.

Kai: Agreed.

They walked inside the temple but unaware that Drazeros and the others were following them as they also entered the temple.

The Eeveelution Squad soon found the Master Kingdom Stone sitting on the stone pillar.

Kris: Alright! Let's grab the stone and get out of here.

Kelvin then sensed certain energy signatures.

Kelvin: We got company!

They looked behind them and sees Drazeros and his team in the cave.

Drazeros:(evil smile) That will not be so easy.

Kai:(anger) Drazeros...

Speed:(anger) You creeps aren't getting the stone!

Slash:(evil smile) We'll see about that!

Both sides charge at each other as the fight has begun.

To be continued...

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