Chapter 14

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"None of this is making sense to me..."

After opening the box and looking through its contents, you confirmed that it was indeed the shipment Reza had discussed. It was full of mechanics and parts that would make an Akasha terminal, as well as various materials used for construction.

"Can't you just place Reza under arrest and question him? I mean, since it seems we've hit a dead end..." Kaveh held a small gear in his hands.

Alhaitham shook his head. "If we were to interrogate him now, all that we've worked towards will just be for nothing. Besides, what we need to focus on now is why that box was in the Akademiya."

"What were you even doing in that room?" You asked Kaveh.

He flinched. "Well, I was just... checking, uh, my box! Yeah, my box! I had a book I remembered that needed to be returned."

Alhaitham looked at the book on the counter. "...'Foreign Languages and Their Meanings'? Since when were you ever interested in this topic?"

Kaveh folded his arms. "I don't snoop around in your business, so stay out of mine!"

Alhaitham rolled his eyes, returning back to the conversation. "Regardless, I can't think of any reason as to why this box was down there."

You spoke up. "This also kinda puts us in a bad position. I'm sure that when Reza and that man went there, it was because of the shipment. If they couldn't find it, not only are they going to suspect Kaveh..."

Alhaitham shot Kaveh a dirty look. "...They're going to try and find a way to work around this situation."

Kaveh tried to defend himself. "B-But if you really think about it... the shipment would have gone missing regardless!"

"But you also showed face." Alhaitham said. "You've just put yourself at risk."

Kaveh huffed. "I was going to put myself at risk regardless!"

"What we really need to talk about is their next meeting. I doubt they're going to choose the same place as last time in two days. And that shouldn't even be right— they've clearly been in contact this entire time." You explained.

"Right. They hold a secret meeting in public about their plan and the shipment, and when they go to secure it themselves, all of a sudden it goes missing after seeing Kaveh..." Alhaitham looked down at the counter, sighing. "Reza was only one of my suspects. If we want to continue from here, we have to move on to the next person."

"Agreed." You nodded. "But Kaveh, you're going to have to lay low for a while."

"I figured that... then again, I don't mind just lounging around here. As long as I don't get too bored, that is." He replied.

"Y/N, can you come with me?" Alhaitham stood up.

"Hm? Where are we going?" You asked.

"...Just somewhere."


Alhaitham guided you to the Palace of Alcazarzaray. It was a nice crisp breeze currently, and the sun was covered by thin clouds. You followed him towards a bench, where he sat down and waited for you to sit next to him.

"Why did we come here? You were quiet the entire way..." You sat down, crossing your legs and looking at him.

"I come here to relax." He responded.

You let out a soft laugh. "You? Relax? I never thought I'd see the day."

Alhaitham rose a brow. "What's so bad about that?"

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