Chapter 16

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"...Oh, you're here."

After a long day, you finally decided that you wanted to return back home. Surprisingly, Alhaitham was there, walking back to the kitchen after showering.

You looked at the towel wrapped around his waist. You could see his toned abs and muscles, which made your cheeks heat up. You didn't expect him to still be up, let alone even be home.

"I thought you would stay at the Akademiya." You said, trying to take your gaze off his body.

"I thought about it, but I ran into some trouble with treasure hoarders. I came here to shower and rest." Alhaitham replied, looking at you. "...Are you cold?"

You gulped, the scarf you purchased rubbing onto your bruises. "Yeah..."

"If you're going to stay here, you can use my blanket as I offered." He said.

You smiled. "Thanks. But I think that Kaveh's business partner is in my room... so I'll just grab some things and go back to the Akademiya."

Alhaitham tilted his head. "So that's who I keep hearing in your room... I thought you had... company."

You giggled. "Company?"

He shook his head. "Nevermind. If you want to stay here, you can sleep in my room."

You watched him grab some water from the fridge. His body was too intriguing to take your eyes off of. It seems you were staring too long, and he had noticed.

"...But aren't you going to sleep in your room?" You finally said.

"I'll just take the couch."

You shook your head. "No, it's fine. Besides, the couch is... messy."

Both you and him looked at the tons of designs Kaveh had sketched sprawled onto the couch. Alhaitham sighed, drinking his water.

"...We can share my bed, then."


After showering, you dressed yourself in one of Alhaitham's tops. It only covered your top half, leaving the bottom exposed. You bit your lip, looking at your reflection.

You moved your head up to see the deep bruises left on your neck. That fear settled into your body once more, and you pulled the shirt up to cover them.

Walking out of the bathroom, you stepped over to Alhaitham's door. It was cracked open, and you could see a faint light emitting from the room.

Opening it, you walked inside to see Alhaitham lying on one side of the bed, reading a book.

He watched as you closed the door, slowly approaching him.

"...You can have the wall." He got up and waited for you to climb on the bed.

You smiled, getting under the sheets and shifting towards one side. He got in afterwards, stealing a look at you before going back to his book.

You yawned, pulling the covers up over your neck. His room was warm, and it easily put your mind at rest as your drowsiness settled in.

Alhaitham slowly watched you drift off into a deep slumber. He smiled when he heard your breathing, watching as you practically snuggled into the sheets.

Closing his book, he turned the lamp beside his bed off and placed the book on his nightstand. The lampost from outside his window allowed him to still be able to see you.

Turning towards you, he closed his eyes while trying to sleep.

Some minutes had passed, and he felt your skin press onto his. You had turned in your sleep, and your bottom half was now pressed onto his.

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