
6K 96 94

Otto - ❦ - 6'3
❦ = Dangerous Yandere
♡ = Mild Yandere
❣ = Safe Yandere

WARNING'S: ★ Kidnapping, Muder, Blood, Amputation, SA,  Abuse, Necrophilia and Stalking ★

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WARNING'S: ★ Kidnapping, Muder, Blood, Amputation, SA,  Abuse, Necrophilia and Stalking ★

★WC: 2311★

Otto let out a loud groan as the smell of blood filled his nose. "God, Jenny you can't stay in once place can you?" Otto mumbled to himself. He followed the  blood that was all over his floor to see Jenny laying on the kitchen ground unconscious.

"Please don't be dead" Otto whined to himself. He walked over to Jenny to see a wide cut from her thigh to her foot and a large cut on her wrist. Otto kicked Jenny in her stomach waiting for her to react but when he didn't get one he sighed to himself. 

"Women can never listen" Otto rambled to himself "They always have to do the opposite of what I say and then act surprise when they get hurt" Otto sighed.

He grabbed onto Jenny's hair then dragged her down to his basement where he would use her body for his satisfaction and would cut off each limb off her body when he was done.

Otto wrapped each of Jenny's limbs with a towel then put them in their own plastic bags before burying them in his garden.

Once he was finished he looked at himself in the mirror to see that he was covered in blood and dirt from head to toe. "Damn I stink" Otto mumbled as he started to take off his clothes to take a shower.

This was Otto's weekly routine, he would kill some random women he found on the street or at a random club then take them back to his place and use them for whatever he wanted until he was bored with them.

But this was all just a distraction for him, He didn't want to use these women, they were all sluts who only loved him for his money and looks.

It pissed him off.

Women were nothing but gold diggers who didn't know how to appreciate a man's love. They didn't know their place and didn't understand when a man was helping them.

But there was one girl that he loved with all his heart. Her name was Y/N Afton, you were the most beautiful girl he has every seen. You were short/tall, had beautiful hair and the perfect smile

When he first saw you, he was immediately obsessed with you. The way you helped him at the store, made his heart flutter. He just couldn't get enough of you, he needed to know everything about you.

But he wouldn't be able to since you somehow just disappeared. He couldn't find you anywhere, he didnt know where you lived and didn't know anyone that knew you.

Well that was until he met Jenny, when  he was at the store buying him supplies he heard Jenny say your name. This was his chance to find you, so he seduced Jenny, took her home and tortured her for information.

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