
3.5K 64 112

Sunho - ❦ - 5'11
❦ = Dangerous Yandere
♡ = Mild Yandere
❣ = Safe Yandere

Warning's: Grooming???, Kidnapping, Muder, Forced relationship, Abuse and Abusive Relationships

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Warning's: Grooming???, Kidnapping, Muder, Forced relationship, Abuse and Abusive Relationships

WC: 3.7K

You stared at your laptop with a smile on your face as you watched your favorite YouTuber. You were obsessed with this man, and you honestly didn't know why.

He was funny, handsome, Creative, could dance and could even sing.

There was nothing this man couldn't do.

His name was Sunho, he was the best person in the world and you watched him everytime you got home from school. "Now why would you stick a slim Jim in someone's as-" You immediately started laughing as Sunho cut himself off by playing a clip.

"Y/N get off of your laptop and do your homework now" You Father demanded as he walked into your room. You turned around with a scowl on your face. "Dad I already did it, can you leave me alone" You groaned.

"Then show me your bag right now" Your father asked whole he crossed his arms. You sent him a glare then slammed your laptop in frustration. "Okay I'll do it right now" You sighed as he went and grabbed your bag.

"He's so annoying" You thought to yourself as you took paper out of your bag. Your father's was always breathing down your back, always trying to make you do things you never want to do.

He would make you clean your room even when it wasn't dirty, he would make you do your homework and would even make you cook dinner sometimes, it was like he couldn't do anything himself.

"I'm your child not your slave" You thought to yourself.

"I wish I could be with you Sunho" You sighed to yourself as you scribbled on your paper. "If we were together, I just know you'll treat me like royalty" You smiled to yourself.

You shook your head trying to focus on your paperwork but the view of your laptop was distracting you. "Come on Y/N, if you finish it now, then you don't have to do it later" You said trying to distract yourself.

Just as you were about to write your name your phone buzzed in your pocket, You immediately grabbed your phone to see that Sunho had posted a new tweet saying that he was going to have a meeting and greet next week.

You let out a loud scream and dropped your phone in excitement. "Oh my God, oh my god" You cried. Sunho never did meet and greets and now he finally had a change of mind.

You were not gonna miss this.

You ran out your room and downstairs to your father who was watching TV in the living room. "Dad look" You yelled ad you shoved your phone in his face.

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