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Suho - ❣ - 6'0
❦ = Dangerous Yandere
♡ = Mild Yandere
❣ = Safe Yandere

WARNING'S: Animal abuse, Blood, Murder, Mentally ill reader, Self harm, Death and Suicidal thoughts

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WARNING'S: Animal abuse, Blood, Murder, Mentally ill reader, Self harm, Death and Suicidal thoughts


You stared at yourself in the mirror with widen eyes as you wiped the blood off your face. "I had to....I had to.....I had to..." You mumbled to yourself over and over as you continued to wipe your skin as hard as you could.

Your husband wasn't home and it at
exactly 3:00PM he was going to be walking through that door. You needed to clean everything up before he came, before he found out what you did.

If he found out, he would leave you and you would be alone all over again.

So when you finished cleaning the blood off your face and body, you immediately threw everything away and made your way out the house and towards the barn.

"Hurry Y/N...Hurry" You whispered to yourself as you continued to walk to the barn.

When you opened the door you were greeted with the dead body of a lamb laying in a pool of its own blood.

You smiled a bit then dropped it as you walked over to it. You could feel all the other animals stares at you, it was making you want to peel your skin off. They were judging you, they were scared of you, they were going to tell your husband.

You bit your lip and picked the lamb up, as you walked out the barn you could hear the baby lambs mother cry out. You glanced at her with a blank expression then mumbled out the words "I'm sorry" before continuing to leave.

You walked behind the barn and and started to dig a grave for the baby lamb.

When you finished you quickly cleaned up everything inside the barn and ran inside so you could wash your clothes and body.

Once you were done and out the shower you glanced at the clock to see that it was 2:50. "Ten more minutes" You quietly said to yourself. You grabbed some clothes to put on then sat on the bed as you stared at the clock waiting for it to hit 3.

"God I'm tired" A man groaned as he pulled up to his house. He grabbed some bags from the trunk and walked towards his house with a smile on his face, getting ready to meet his lovely wife.

The man opened the door and announced himself, waiting for you to come down. A few seconds passed and he finally saw you walking down the stairs with a irritated expression on your face.

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