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Xin - ♡ - 5'5
❦ = Dangerous Yandere
♡ = Mild Yandere
❣ = Safe Yandere

WARNING'S: Stalking, Bullying, Xin is a pervert, Non-con touching, Kidnapping, Toxic Relationship, Murder and Y/N is kinda a bad friend

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WARNING'S: Stalking, Bullying, Xin is a pervert, Non-con touching, Kidnapping, Toxic Relationship, Murder and Y/N is kinda a bad friend

WC: 3.7K

You stared at the black haired boy across from the class room and smiled a bit when he looked at you. You could see that his face went red and he quickly looked away.

"Y/N why are you staring at creep Xin?"

You turned around to see your friend, Demmy staring at you with a concerned expression on her face. "I'm staring at him because his hot" You smirked.

Demmy gave you a disgusted look and shook her head. "You're crazy Y/N, Xin is a creep and he is a pervert, don't know why you think he's cute" She sighed.

"Dem, Xin isn't a creep nor is he a pervert" You stated "Unless you have proof then I'm not believing you" You smirked.

You looked back at Xin to see that he was now staring at you. He lifted his phone up to take a picture of you causing you to pose. You held up peace sign and smiled as Xin took a picture of you.

"Y/N let's go, Xin is creeping me out" Demmy stated. Before you could even say anything she grabbed onto your arm and dragged you out of the classroom.

As you got pulled down the hall you snatched Demmy hand away from your body and glared at her.

"Dem what is wrong with you" You hissed "I never expected you of all people to join in the bullying" You spat.

Demmy furrowed her eyebrows then shook her head. "Y/N I'm not bullying him, I've just heard things about him that is just making me cautious about him" She sighed.

"Xin people are only saying that because they know he won't defend himself, I've literally known him since 7th grade and he has never shown creepy behavior" You spoke.

"Have you ever talked to him?" She argued. When you didn't say anything Demmy rolled her eyes.

"Of course" She scoffed "Y/N how about you stop thinking about Xin's looks and think about how he acts and how others see him" She sighed.

"People aren't treating him like this for no reason" She said. Demmy placed her hands on your shoulders and gave you a sympathetic expression "I just don't want you to get hurt" She sighed.

You glared at Demmy then snatched her hands off your body. "I'm not going to get hurt because Xin doesn't hurt people" You hissed.

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