𝙏𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙙 𝙋𝙩 2

1.9K 56 8

Mr. Doctor/ Lewis - ❦ - 5'11
❦ = Dangerous Yandere
♡ = Mild Yandere
❣ = Safe Yandere

Warning's: Grooming?, Kidnapping, Abuse, Reader is an Ailen, Reader is dumb, Reader has bad English, Blood, Mentions of passed Non-Con, Forced relationships, Muder, Mentions of amputation

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Warning's: Grooming?, Kidnapping, Abuse, Reader is an Ailen, Reader is dumb, Reader has bad English, Blood, Mentions of passed Non-Con, Forced relationships, Muder, Mentions of amputation

WC: 1.5k

"Y/N what are you doing?" Lewis asked softly. You turned around hesitantly with a smile on your face "Nothing" You replied back. Lewis raises an eyebrow before letting out a small chuckle. 

"Then what are you doing in the kitchen, you know you're not supposed to be in here" Lewis scolded as he got closer towards you.

"I was-"

"And you're not supposed to be eating sweets without my permission, are you trying to make me angry" Lewis interrupted. Your antennas went down as Lewis kept getting closer and closer to you.

Lewis grabbed onto your face tightly making you whine, "You know the rules" He grinned as he snatched the object out of your hands.

"Oh its the chocolate bar I've told you multiple times that you couldn't have this" Lewis stated. You opened your mouth to say something but he slapped you before you could even say anything.

You let out a small whine trying to back away from the man but he kept pulling you closer by the antennas. "It's like you're enjoying me hurting you, I love you Y/N but sometimes you make it hard to even like you" Lewis scoffed. 

He pushed you away causing you to hit your head on the refrigerator. "Go to your room now" He demanded with a harsh tone.

You quickly crawled your way over to the room as Lewis watched you with amusement. 

The way you limped in pain with every step made him want to burst out laughing. Lewis followed quickly after and saw that you were in dog bed playing with a same blocks from before. 

"Sweetie when are you going to realize that the circle block goes into the circle shaped hole" Lewis said as he crossed his arms.

"What's a circle?"

Lewis let out a small chuckle before sitting down next to you. "Y/N you're funny" he sighed. You nodded your head not really understanding what he ment by the word "Funny".

"I'm going to make some dinner, stay in here" Lewis demanded before leaving the room.

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