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Robin - ♡ - 5'8
❦ = Dangerous Yandere
♡ = Mild Yandere
❣ = Safe Yandere

Robin - ♡ - 5'8Key: ❦ = Dangerous Yandere♡ = Mild Yandere❣ = Safe Yandere

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WARNING'S: Abuse, Drugging, Muder and Blood

Robin smiled as you walked into the room with a blank expression on your face. He was so in love with you, that everytime you walked passed him he could feel his heart burst into many emotions.

"Robin can you make sure that my bedroom is clean tonight?" You asked while staring at him.

"O-Of course Ms. Y/n I'll get that done right away" He stammered. You gave him a small smile then thanked him before walking out of the room to where ever.

"Gosh" Robin said in awe while holding onto his chest. Your voice was so beautiful, he could listen to it for hours. Robin shook his head to focus then grabbed his things to go upstairs.

"Y/N...Y/N....Y/N...." He mumbled to himself. Once Robin made it upstairs he opened your bedroom door to be greeted with a bunch of clothes and empty bags of food on the ground.

"God Y/N you're so messy" Robin chuckled to himself. As he bent down to start picking up the clothes a loud groan caught his attention. He immediately turned around to see a women staring dead at him with a towel around her body.

"Ugh Robin, you're here?" She sighed "Y/N promised me that she would fire you already" She whined.

Robin frowned at her words and shook his head. "Sorry Isabela but Ms. Y/N would never fire me, I am here one and only butler" He smirked.

Isabela rolled her eyes then walked towards the messy bed. "Oh please, you are not the only butler in the world and even if you were, maids are a thing" She argued.

Robin clenched his fist and let out a small sigh trying to calm himself down.

"Isabela I am trying to clean Ms. Y/N's room, I would appreciate it if you would leave" He stern said. The women glared at him and mumbled out a no.

"Sorry Robin, but I wanna be in here" She grinned.

"How am I supposed to clean when you're in here?" Robin hissed "Ms. Y/N asked me to clean her room and I can't do it when there is trash in here" He fumed.

Isabela gasped as she stood up, "Are you calling me trash!?" She barked.

Robin looked her up and down then let out a small chuckle. "If the shoe fits" He mumbled.

Isabela let out a loud groan then stomped out the room in anger.

"Finally shes gone" Robin mumbled to himself. Robin couldn't stand Isabela, that girl was nothing but a bug that wouldn't die. She was stupid brat who treated you like a money machine that she could use anytime she wanted.

That girl was just a gold digger and Robin could see right through her mask.

As Robin eas finishing cleaning up, he could hear sounds of glass breaking and screaming downstairs. Fearing that something bad happened to you, he quickly went downstairs to see Isabela throwing a hissy fit.

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