
3.5K 61 32

Connie - ❦ - 6'2
❦ = Dangerous Yandere
♡ = Mild Yandere
❣ = Safe Yandere

WARNING'S: Abusive relationships, Toxic boyfriend, Controlling boyfriend, Arguing, Reader as a speech impediment, Threats, Mean boyfriend, Homophobia

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WARNING'S: Abusive relationships, Toxic boyfriend, Controlling boyfriend, Arguing, Reader as a speech impediment, Threats, Mean boyfriend, Homophobia

WC: 2.4K

"Y/N i really couldn't give a fuck about you or your dumb ass friends, I said you're not going and that's final so stop asking" Your boyfriend sternly warned as he lit up his cigarette.

You stood there with anger written all over your face, irritated that your boyfriend was trying to tell you what to do. "C-Connie I don't need your p-premisson to do anything" You replied back trying your best not to let the tears fall.

Connie looked over at you wondering who the hell you were talking to.

"Y/N you better watch who you're talking to before I slap the shit out of you" He hissed pointed his finger at you.

You tried to hold the tears in but failed, Connie's words and tone hurt you badly and he didn't even lay a hand on you. "I hate y-you" You stammered playing with your fingers. 

Connie shrugged his shoulders and let out a small chuckle, "You didn't hate me last night" He muttered with a smirk.

Embarrassed, you walked back upstairs trying to block out the loud laughter that was coming from Connie. "He's such a bitch, he's lucky I don't leave him" You thought to yourself as you laid on you and Connie's shared bed.

You sobbed in your pillow trying to figure out some way to convince Connie to let you go out.

You never could do anything without Connie breathing down your back. He had to be with you 24/7 and if you went somewhere without him, then you would have to deal with him yelling and threatening you for multiple hours into the night.

The sound of knocking made you take a pause in your crying as you sat up and wiped your tears. "What d-do you want" You asked while playing with your fingers.

"Y/N open the door please" Connie asked with a calm tone. "The doors open" You replied back, in an instant the door opened showing Connie standing there with a small smile on his face.

"I'm sorry Y/N, I shouldn't have yelled at you like that" He apologized. Connie walked towards you then sat down beside you, placing a hand on your back.  "Y-You're right, you shouldn't have yelled at me like that, I-I didn't do anything" You muttered.

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