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Lily - ♡ - 5'4
❦ = Dangerous Yandere
♡ = Mild Yandere
❣ = Safe Yandere

WARNING'S: Toxic Relationships, Abuse?, Spoiled Yandere, Murder, slight SA, Slightly rude reader_____________________________

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WARNING'S: Toxic Relationships, Abuse?, Spoiled Yandere, Murder, slight SA, Slightly rude reader

"Ooo Y/N we should stop at that store right there" Your girlfriend exclaimed as she pointed at the shoe store. You glanced at the store then immediately dragged your girlfriend away as quickly as you could.

"Ugh Y/N what are you doing?" Your girlfriend questioned as she snatched her hand away from yours.

"Lily we've been shopping for almost five hours, I'm trying to go home" You whined. Lily rolled her eyes as she shrugged her shoulders, "so? This is supposed to be our day out, but you're just complaining the whole time" She argued. 

"I have not been complaining the whole time we've been here, but I wouldn't have to complain if you would just let us go home" You argued back. Lily gave you a glare before walking away.

You let out a loud groan before quickly following behind her. "Are you really going to brat today?" You hissed "I thought today was going to be normal but I guess not" You scoffed. 

Lily turned around with anger on her face as she clenched her fist. "Ugh you better watch your mouth" She threatened. "We were having a a fun time but you're ruining it" Lily argued backed.

She pointed her finger at you as she continued to yell "You do this every time we go out, if you don't want to be here then leave" Lily fumed.

You looked her up and down then walked away. You didn't have time this, she did this everytime you went to the mall. She would make you go store to store making you forget what you originally there, and then gets mad when you ask if you can leave.

When you argued back, Lily would try to flip the script and say that you were treating her like shit and being a bad partner towards her.

Most of the time you would just stand there letting her call you all these names but this time you were done.

You came to the mall to have a good time, not to have a headache. 

As you walked around the mall, your eyes lit up when you saw a food court with small amount of people. You quickly walked over to the chicken stand and waited in line.

"Uh you just skipped the line"

You turned around to see a short women wearing all white staring at you with a glare on her face. You let out a small chuckle then took some steps back, "I'm sorry miss, I didn't see you there" You apologized.

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