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Neo - ♡ - 6'0
❦ = Dangerous Yandere
♡ = Mild Yandere
❣ = Safe Yandere

Neo - ♡ - 6'0Key: ❦ = Dangerous Yandere♡ = Mild Yandere❣ = Safe Yandere

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WARNING'S: Attempted SA & Sexual Theme's

Neo stared at the picture of you as jerked himself up and down, his moans filled the room as he went faster and faster imagining you on top of him whispering disgusting things in his ear.

"Y/N....Oh god" He moaned before releasing in his hand.

He let out breathes of relief and started to clean himself up, thinking about what he just did.

He barely knew you and now because you did some heroic actions for him, he all of sudden has some infatuation with you.

"I'm such a perv" Neo whined to himself while washing his hands. Once he was finished he walked out to be greeted with the public. He had to go back to work like nothing happened just hoping a you would show up like you did a week ago.

Neo smiled to himself as the memory replayed for the hundredth time in his head.

He was taking someone's order, they started to catch an attitude and be rude to him and came to rescue by defending him and beating up the rude customer.

You, a stranger he didn't even know helped him while everyone else watched.

How couldn't he fall in love with you?

As Neo took a person order he glanced at the door and saw your figure walking past his building. He tense up and started at you ignoring the person that was in front of him.

"Look Y/N is right there" Neo said as he pointed at your figure.

The customer turned around the shrugged their shoulders. "Listen man I don't know who that it nor do I care, I just want my chicken so can you please ring my order up" They groaned.

Neo let out an embarrassed laughed then ranged up the person orders. He placed them down at the table then quickly left the building to see where you were.

"Neo what are you doing, get the hell in here"

Neo turned around to see his boss standing there with an angry expression on her face. "Sorry Ms. Kim i-i thought I saw someone" He apologized while walking inside.

Mr. Kim rolled her eyes in annoyance and told him that he can't leave the store while he's clocked in. "Neo if you do it again I'm going to have to write you up" She warned before going back to her office.

Neo let our a sigh as he stood at the register waiting for another customer to come in.

He wanted you to come in again, he wanted to talk to you and serve you. "Y/N please come in" He quietly whisper to himself.

After a few minutes had pasted it seemed like Neos prayers were answered as he heard the door bell ring and seemed you walk in with a bored expression on your face.

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