
2.2K 33 6

Juno - ❣ - 5'7
❦ = Dangerous Yandere
♡ = Mild Yandere
❣ = Safe Yandere

WARNING'S: Abuse, Toxic/Abusive relationships, Murder, Blood, Stalking and Kidnapping

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WARNING'S: Abuse, Toxic/Abusive relationships, Murder, Blood, Stalking and Kidnapping

W.C: 2.9K

Juno rolled her eyes at the disgusting man that was in front of her. "Why does he always have to come over here?" She mumbled under her breath as she watched the man laugh out loud with.his ground of friends.

"And why do you keep hanging with him" Juno muttered. She glanced over at at the short women standing next to the annoying man to see that she playing with the hem of her dress while she stared down at her flats.

"Come on Y/N, you need to use that brain of yours and walk away" Juno mumbled while tapping her pen on the table. As much as she wanted to get to and drag you away, she knew if she laid a hand on you then your stupid boyfriend would cause a fight.

"Y/N let's go" You boyfriend said. He grabbed your hand and dragged you out the room before you could even say anything, leaving his friend to chat amongst themselves.

Juno quickly stood up and grabbed her things before following after you two. She wasn't ready for you to leave, she needed to be by you 24/7 even if that ment getting close to your crazy boyfriend.

As Juno followed the two of you into the empty hallway she could hear your sweet voice yelling out in pain.

"Stop it Haan you're hurting me" You cried. "Good" Haan hissed before pushing you into the hard metal lockers.

"Can't belive you were staring at Dale right in front of me like that" Haan said "It's like you couldn't keep your eyes off of him" He ranted over your weeping figure. You sat on the cold ground crying your eyes out as your boyfriend yelled out all the assumptions about you.

"P-Please Haan I swear I wasn't looking at Dale" You sobbed. Haan scoffed at your words and huffed "Oh please, you just love lying yo me huh? I swear Y/N I'm the best boyfriend you could ever have and you treat me like shit" He fumed.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I sweat I'll never do it again" You apologized.

Juno stood there in horror as she watched you apologize for something you obviously didn't do. She wanted to go over there and give Haan a piece of her mind but knew if she even touched him she would be knocked out.

"God you just wait Haan, I swear" Juno mumbled under her breath.

"Whatever, get up and let's go" Haan grumbled before walking away. You quickly stood up and ran after him without a second thought.

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