
3.3K 61 43

[From left to right]

Sunho - ❦ - 6'2 + Key - ♡ - 5'11 + Kenji - ❦ - 5'8

❦ = Dangerous Yandere
♡ = Mild Yandere
❣ = Safe Yandere

WARNING'S: Mentions of past abuse, Abusive relationships, Abuse, Mentionsof past SA, Forced relationships

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WARNING'S: Mentions of past abuse, Abusive relationships, Abuse, Mentionsof past SA, Forced relationships

WC: 3.1k

You sat in the conner of the gym watching your boyfriend talk to his friends as he lifted the heaviest weights he could. You glanced at the exit then back at your boyfriend to see him and his friends glaring at you with hatred in their eyes.

You immediately looked down at your feet while muttering the word sorry. "Sorry....sorry....sorry....sorry" You munbked repeatedly while playing with your fingers.

"Y/N come on its time to go" You looked up from your feet to see your boyfriend standing there with his arms crossed. Before you could even say anything he roughly grabbed onto your arm and dragged you out the gym.

Once the two of you were out the gym, your boyfriend pushed you on the ground making you fall on your knees. "Y/N do you remember the rules? Or do I need to remind you for the hundredth time" Your boyfriend questioned.

You stood up wiping the dirt off your knees as you shook your head no, "I-I remember the rules" You stammered taking a few steps back.

"No" He shook his head "No I don't think you do" He replied. Your boyfriend took out his phone making your eyes widen in fear. You put your hands out to grab his phone but pulled yourself back when he gave you a stern expression.

"Key and Kenji come outside, give Y/N a number two punishment" He spoke before swiftly hanging up.

"S-Sunho, I'm sorry I-I didn't mean t-" You were cut off by Sunho dragging you towards his car, ignoring all your apologizes.

Sunho pushed you into the car then locked you inside. You cried and pounded on the window trying to get Sunho to stay but all he did was smirk and walk away.

Not even a minute later you could see Key and Kenji walking towards the car with their gym bags in their hands. Kenji opened the door and threw his gym bag a your face then got inside, while Key sat in the front.

The two boys didn't say anything, making you shake in fear.

You open your mouth to say something but Kenji quickly cut you off. "Y/N I suggest you keep quiet" He says with a threaten tone.

"Don't worry sweetie, your punishment won't hurt that much" Key smiled trying his best to calm you down. You shook your head slightly then kept your head down.

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