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Father - ❦ - 6'0
❦ = Dangerous Yandere
♡ = Mild Yandere
❣ = Safe Yandere

Warning's: ★Mentions of Kidnapping, Y/N is 18+, Y/N acts like a child, NO INCEST!!!!, Just a regular father and daughter (^_^) ★___________________

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Warning's: ★Mentions of Kidnapping, Y/N is 18+, Y/N acts like a child, NO INCEST!!!!, Just a regular father and daughter (^_^)

You stared at Father as he put your shoes on your feet and tilted your head. "Father I don't want these shoes" You groaned while trying to kick your feet out of his grasp. Your father looked at you with a stern expression.

"Y/N we don't have time for that, now stop acting like a brat" He scolded. You looked at him as your lip started to quiver, your father raised an eyebrow and smiles.

"Don't start Y/N or I'm going to make you stay down here, I don't have to bring you up" He said. You wiped your eyes to stop the tears from falling then played with the end of your dress.

"I-Im sorry" You apologized "I just don't want wear these" You whined.

"I know baby, I do but if you don't, then bad people are going to find your footprints all over the floor and take you away to kill you" Father assured. He finished trying your shoe then grabbed your hand to take upstairs.

"Now Y/N I'll take you to my bedroom and you'll just watch TV while I get everything ready" Father demanded. You looked at him and tilted your her to the side, "what's a TV?" You questioned.

Father laughed a bit then walked you to his bedroom.

The room was dark with the only light source coming from a tiny candle in the corner. You sqeezed fathers hand not liking the way the room looked, you glanced at father to see that he was staring at you a blank face.

"Y/N since you've been good, you get to sleep in here with me" Fathee exclaimed as he walked you over to the bed. He made you sit on the bed then bent down so you two could be eye to eye.

"Father, I don't want to sleep in here" You whined "It's creep" You mumbled.

"Y/N I know it's creepy, but I'm here to protect you" He smiled "I have go keep it dark in here so bad people won't know we're here" He says as he rubs your thigh.

Father stood up with a huff looked around. "I'll go get some more candle so it won't be dark, but Y/N you better stay here, I don't want you moving" Father demanded.

You watched him walk out the room and locked it behind him before going on his way. You looked at the small candle and walked over there, disregarding the warning Father told you.

"Wow" You said to yourself as you watched fire go up and down. You brung your hand to touch it and hissed when the hot flame touched your finger.

"Ow" You cried as you held onto your finger. You heard the door knob start to rattle and ran over bed trying to get back into your original seat.

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