
1.5K 33 5

Marie - ❦ - 5'6
❦ = Dangerous Yandere
♡ = Mild Yandere
❣ = Safe Yandere

WARNING'S: Bullying, Cyber bullying, Mentions of religion, Blood, Murder, Stalking, Homophobia, Mentions of Self harm and suicide

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WARNING'S: Bullying, Cyber bullying, Mentions of religion, Blood, Murder, Stalking, Homophobia, Mentions of Self harm and suicide

W.C: 4.2K


The curly headed women stared at you and your friends as you laughed at some stupid joke that probably wasn't even funny. The women smiled a bit as you glanced over at her with your beautiful eyes.

"Ew Marie why are you staring at Y/N" One of your friends called out.

Marie looked at the girl and gave her an uncomfortable smile. "I-I wasn't looking at Y/N" She stammered while backing up.

"Oh please I just saw you" She laughed before walking towards her. She bent down to her level and pushed the girls head with two fingers. "I don't know why you keep following us, Y/N obviously doesn't like you and no one else in this school likes you" She stated.

Marie looked at you and your others friends to see that they were all laughing and giggling quietly.

"Come on Gia, let's go get something to eat I'm hungry" You sighed before walking away. Gia gave Marie a glare then walked after you.

Marie looked down at her journal with a sad expression and sighed. No one in this university liked her, each person had some kind of hatred against her and they always went out their way to bully her.

They would call her names, beat on her and ruin her stuff for no reason.

Marie backed her stuff up and decided go to her dorm, the only place where she could be only and be herself.

"Ew is that the lesbo?"

Marie looked behind her to see a group of boys glaring dead at her. Marie quickly ran away from the boys while the continued to call her names and throw things at her.

When Maire quickly got to her dorm, she locked the door behind her and threw her journal on the ground. "I hate my life" She cried while running over to he bed.

She sat down on her bed and cried in her hands.

This school was a hell hole and there was no way she could get out.

"Oh Y/N why can't I just we just be happy together, no problem, no bullys just us two together" She whined as she stared at her photo of you on her wall.

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