33. things i do as a theatre nerd

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i'm making this because i got a script. and i love it. but i'm scared. so. yeah. enjoy.


- write out my lines over and over and over and over and over and over again (and my cue lines)

- sleep with my script under my pillow

- read it over and over and over and over and over and over and over again

- stare blankly at my script as if i could retain information that way

- tell myself "i'll do it later"

- memorize my favourite lines first (there's this one line that i have to say and it's "you want me to pick a lock or write a letter to harry potter?")

- tell everybody to come see my play

- worry about show week

- hope to have fun backstage (intermission is a literal blessing)

- hope i don't have quick changes (quick changes are a literal curse)

- randomly remember something at night and quickly doing it (ex. write blocking, fix a line, memorize lines)

- create a background for my character

- find a voice/attitude that fits the character

- wait anxiously for my cue

- pray to up above that i didn't forget my lines

- pray to up above that my costume isn't itchy

- write this instead of going through my lines (i know literally none of you are gonna read this eheheheheh)

- to see if any of you actually read this, here's a special message

- hey, i really love you

- i'm so happy for your support

- i know i can be very dramatic

- i know how many notifications i send

- thank you for letting me joke with you

- say references about the play to people who don't have a clue about what i'm talking about

- cry

- dread tech week

- wait for people to complain about the ticket prices

- bask in my glory on stage as i stare into the audience with the spotlight shining in my face

- procrasinate

- help others with their lines

- repeat

- repeat

- repeat

- don't get any sleep

- be scared

- either eat a lot or not eat anything at all

- pray to up above that i don't have my period during show week

- sleep too much

- repeat

- cry

- repeat

- cry again


- cry at the last show

- thank everybody and compliment them a bunch on their performance

it's an emotional roller coaster.
did any of you see the secret message i hid in this chapter? it's really important

i can't think of any questions so now it's your turn to ask.


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