Triple dog dare

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That's Tera
February 5,2015

"Did you see the bruise on johns face! It looks like it hurts"! Emily says the next day. I tell her the story and swear her to secrecy. "Oh my gosh! Why would he do that to you". She says.
"I know I am dreading orchestra in the first time for the first time in forever"! I say.
"It won't be that bad you a viola and he is a violin one. There's a whole section between you two". Emily says. "Not if I sit in the second or first chair seat and so does he"! I practically yell. " I dout that will happen. Your luck can't be that bad". Emily says. "I bet it is"! I say.
I was right! We sat in the just right spots were he could see me and I could see him. He acted normal the whole class it wasn't till after when Taylor asked what happen to his face that everything went to hell.
" I kissed a girl at the natatorium last night and she punched me". He says like its a fact.
"Who was it"? She asks confused. "I don't think she wants me to say". He stats.
" What if I guess"? She asks. "Then I guess I'll tell you". He asks. "What d grade is she in. ? Is she in this room"? She asks. " 9th and yes". He says.
Ring, ring,ring! Goes the bell. God I've never been so happy to hear that sound!
The next 90 minutes I try to push it out of my mind. I am successful for a while. Trouble kept asking me whats wrong but I say nothing every time .
You would think everything would be fine ,but your wrong. It's not till everyone ,but the orchestra people I practice with after school are all that's left does Taylor ask. "You kissed and punched John "! She wisper shouts.
My eyes widen giving me away. "He told me so don't deny it". She says. "You agree, then I had the right to punch him right. I mean I don't like him. He's cocky, arrogant, self centered,and childish "! I say.
"Who's cocky and arrogant"? Trouble asks.
"John kissed Tera and then she punched him! I get why, but I don't find him cocky or arrogant ext! Do you find him that way Taylor"!
Taylor ask trouble. Troubles real name is Taylor but since there are two everyone calls tall Taylor , Taylor .And short Taylor trouble.
"I see were Tera is coming but he isn't once you get to know him"! Trouble says. " Ya right"! I say.
They continue to talk about him while I attempt to practice. " Wonder if he's a good kisser"? Trouble asks. "Maybe if he didn't sneak attack me and taste like strawberrys"! I say.
"I picked him as a mint Pearson". Trouble says.
" That's weard he hates strawberries. Taylor says .
" I don't care"! I say exasperated.
I pack up my stuff to leave since its four.Not till after I leave does my mom texts me that she's late.
Great just great I think to myself. I start playing on my phone and then who else but John comes to the box. I keep my head down hoping he will go away.
" So I tasted like strawberrys"! It was a question but said like a fact. "How do you know that"? I say confused. "I heard you practicing . Do you really think I'm arrogant , cocky, self centered, and childish "? He ask. "Yep why else would you kiss me.
You don't like me. You don't even really talk to me! I say.
"If you got to know me I bet you would love me"! He says. Doubt it!
I say." Really ? Then I triple dog dare you to go out with me for a month so till march 5". He says.
"I never turn down a dare"! I say in a snarky tone. Just then my ride comes.
"Babe if were going out then I need your number". He says.
"Give me you phone ". I say in a dead pan voice. We trade phones. I put in my number get in my car and drive away. What have I gotten my self into. And why couldn't my mom be on time!

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