
26 0 0

February 20,2015
It was the day of the lockdown. The lockdown is what we call our intense practice section. We practice till about 8 o'clock with one break for dinner. We have two of these a year one for all region auditions and one for you UIL.
We get our snack before and then break off into our groups. If your a viola you get the stage and miss heartless. We take off her shoes and get to work. We were working on tuning and we overall sound really good.
We break before dinner. She got us pizza which is such a relief. I get to slices of cheese and then get to a table. To join us is Emily, John ,Alexis ,trouble, and Taylor. " So how is you guys sectionals". I ask."I hate Miss Jones. She just doesn't have us restart or just like help us work through it or anything. You're so lucky you have miss. heartless the cellos even get miss.Johnson". Emily says."that's right we love miss.Johnson". Trouble says. "Can we not talk about orchestra I just played for like two hours want to talk about some thing else like Taylor's party or black veil bride". John says." Your going to Taylor's party right". I ask. "I am". Everyone says at the same time.
We line up and start practicing agin. If I counted right all but two of our 27 people class is coming!

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