Rest of the night

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"Don't worry nothing to bad"! Shamari says smiling. I always liked her. I had only talked to her a few times but she was so nice. We didn't have any mutual friends and only had orchestra together so.
" I'll just take your hair and turn it into a lob, a long bob instead of your long hair. Also I'm going to thin it . I think I'll dye it with red peck-a-boos. Don't worry you will look amazing"! She says grabbing the dye from the amazing selection. She sits me down to wash my hair and I zone out only slightly thinking about what is happening in the other room.
After a hour I can finally look.
It takes me a second to adjust. The new cut makes my nose smaller and eyes bigger. It made me look amazing. The peck-a-boo add something interesting to my hair. "Do you like it"? Shamari ask nervous. "Like it I love it! It is so good! We're did you learn this"? I ask. "My mom is in school for it. I help her with her notes and learned a few things". She says modest.
We walk out to the room. No one notices for a second. Everyone is watching Martin show his six pack.
"You look amazing"! "Shamari you have to do mine sometime"! "Wow"! All of these can be herd in the room.
Once it does down I hear one cocky voice say" Don't forget about my kiss"!
"Don't worry. I didn't"! I say siting next to him. You could hear a pen drop in the room. I look up at him a little just enough to show of the red and my check bones. "You look ravishing". John whispers before leaning in.
It's soft and sweet. It different then the others. We're nervous about the people watching. That doesn't stop him stop him from pulling my lip on the way out.
A round of applause rings around the room. "Did you know that nemo and Dory wouldn't normally be with each other in a aquarium"! I whisper were no one else can hear. Resulting in a chuckle from him.
"Did you know your really cute when your doing a dare"? He says. "I've herd it before". I says smiling.
We continue playing truth or dare for a while then start with Tie-dying T-shirts.
"This is so much fun"! Everyone says. We start to chill out about 12:00 . "Write down what you want to watch put in in this hat and then we'll vote with the finalist"! Taylor says.
Great what do I want to watch. We could watch 10 things I hate about you, or the breakfast club, or if I stay. So many chooses! I finally choose on If I stay.
"Okay the movies with the most votes are The woman in black, X-men, and if I stay. When I say the tittle raise your hand. Okay. The woman in black". About 8 people raise there hand. "X-man". About 5 people raise there hand. "If I say". The renaming hands raise. "In a land slide win If I say"! Taylor says.
"Okay if you get the chair two people . If you get the coach 5 people and the love seat is three people". Taylor says one last time.
I'm sitting in the chair with John. He grabbed me the second she told us that rule. The chair was just wide enough to fit us with us. A little of each of out butts were on the arm ready so we were leaning into each other. My head was on his chest and his head has on mine.
The movie begins. I may have a small obsession with this movie. We don't have cable at my moms house or Internet. We have a limited budget and would rather have phones. So as entertainment we watch movies. I watch it probably a few times a month. Luckily Emily loves the movie too. She has cable, but watched movies as much if not more than me.
When Adams band starts to play I hop up and grab Emily and e start to dance. "I want what you have! I want what you have! Give it to me! Give it to me! Give it to Ya"! We sing with the tv. A few people dance with us. We end laughing then go back to our seats.
"Take it you love this movie". John whispers in my ear. I nod and begin to watch the movie agin.
"Oh I love this part"! I whisper. It's after the concert before they do it.
"But the you who are tonight is the same you I was in love with yesterday, the same you I'll be in love with tomorrow. I love that you're fragile and tough, quiet and kick-ass". Th me TV says. "Can we go some were"? Mia says.
"This would be pizzicato". Mia says kissing his neck. There short and smooth just like plucking. "And this is forte". "I know forte".
"Are you getting ideas". John whispers in my ear. Making me slap his tummy.
"You know you want to". He whispers.
"No I don't"!
"Ya you do". John says doing pizzicato on my neck.
I will Amit it felt kinda good. "Stop". I say giggling softly.
He sucked in one spot for a few seconds.
"Stop you may give me a hickey". I whisper.
"Fine". He says. He attacks my lips now. He taste sweet. He licks my lips asking for entry. I let him in. How is he so good? For the first time I feel fireworks. I feel like we're alone.
Then "love birds get a room". Half the room says. I pull out. "We're not love birds! It's just a dare"! I scream back. "Not what it looks like". Emily says.
"Let's just watch the movie"! I say.
We watch in silence which is really hard to believe considered how we are in class. That was ruined when I saw a flash. "Who took a picture"! Daniel says. "I did ". Nadia says." Let me see"! Emily says. "Omg you got everyone! That is so cool"! She says. "Send it to me"! Everyone says. "I will she says.
Nadia had good timing because everyone started crying soon. Me is for granddad was saying bye to her. It's like the saddest part in the movie. So if you weren't crying or extremely sad you were about to be. Then my favorite part came. The bonfire. Everyone that seen the movie started singing Emily and I especially. "Today is the greatest Day I've ever known
Can't live for tomorrow,
Tomorrow's much too long
I'll burn my eyes out
Before I get out"!
Some how before the end everyone is singing. We are completely happy.
At the end when it goes white some people freak out. By some a mean the three girls and almost all boy that are still awake and haven't seen the movie. One of them being John right in my ear.
"WHAT SHE'S DEAD"!!! They scream. Then she wakes up. "Oh good". They say.
The credits role. "Now what"? Someone asks. "Let's watch divergent"! Someone says. "Any objections"? Taylor says. No one says anything.
Within the first 20 minutes I'm get tired. Remember how I said we don't have cable, and I said that I was obsessed with if I stay. Well my moms obsession is divergent. That being said I had seen at a million times so the movies makes me so bored.
I try to fight my sleep but this pillow it so comfy. The blanket is so soft. Then I remember were I am. In johns arms. I realize I shouldn't be this comfy, but it's so warm. Its weird how is is chest this comfy and feel this safe. He isn't at all fat. My brain starts to hurt and put my head into my pillow. Scratch that his chest. If you can't tell I'm not use to being in male arms. I start thinking of relaxing things and am asleep in seconds.

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