His birthday

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February 28,2015
I wake up in the morning to my phone. "John why are you calling me at this ungodly hour! It's Saturday!" I cry into the phone. "Well one its 1:47 and two it's my birthday." He responds.
"Oh my gosh have you taken your drivers test yet"!
"Yep and I passed!" He brags.
"Good I have a plan for tonight for a date! All you got to do is drive"! I say getting up.
"What time"? He says. "Pick me up at my moms house at 4! Bye"!
"Bye babe"!
I decided to surprise him with a concert and dinner. My dad told me black veil bride was coming in town and his friend that works at American airline had a few tickets. I begged him for two before I learned it was Johns birthday. Then I figured I would take John for his birthday.
Okay now what to wear. I look in my closet. I grab my black skinny jeans. I look around. What shirt. I flip though my closet. I come across a black crop top I haven't worn since summer. I try it on and praise the lord it fits and looks amazing.
I jump out of the cloths and hop into the shower. The warm water soothes my back and I rise, lather , repeat. I shave my pits and legs. I wrap my self in a towel. I blow dry my hair and then think what to do with it.
I start to straighten my hair then check the time. Shit its 3:04. I start to think I could finish, but it looks to dull for a concert. I think to past hair experiments. There's curling, braiding, or teasing. Teasing that's perfect. I I grab my comb and hair spray. I tease the roots and thought it into a a pony tail.
I look put my concealer under my eyes. I put on thin eye liner and a small amount of eye shadow and mascara. I put lip stick on. Time is 3:45. Got to pack my bag. I grab war pant supplies, the tickets and my wallet. I'm just slipping on my shoes when there's a knock on the door. Who is it I way jumping trying to slip the left one on.
"John"! He screams.I let him in. "Okay give me a minute to grab my bag".
"Okay". He says.
I grab my bag and come up to him. "Happy birthday babe". I give him a peck on the cheek.
"That's it, for the birthday boy". He says cockily.
"You know I just put on lip stick"! I snark back.
"I don't care" he smirks.
I kiss him on the lips for about ten second.
"You get more later"!
"So what are we doing tonight?" He asks. "First lets go Chilies!" I say.
We get a booth and talk. I laugh and everything feel natural. Toward the end of a meal his hand is on mine. Our feet tangled. The we get the check. "I am paying! It is your birthday. The other part will seem like more than it is! Let me do this please."! I whisper. "Im the guy! I will feel guilty!" He responds.
"Just because your they guy doesn't mean you have to pay the whole time. I planned the date let me pay"! I ease my voice.
"Having trouble with the check. I suggest splitting it"! Says the waiter coming up.
"Sounds like the plan"! John says. I give him a look. "Fine we can split it"! I say.
When we get in the car I give him the directions. "Why are we going to Dallas?" He asks.
"You'll see. I really hope you like it"! I say. I bite my lip. "Can I turn on some music? I'm in a really big black veil brides mode"! I ask.
"Totally I love that band! I have there albums on my phones!" He says.
I put them on and start singing along.
"Why are we here! Black veil bride is playing here tonight. What are we going to see black veil bride"! John asks. I bite my lip and nod.
He grabs me and gives
Me a quick peck. "This is now the best birthday ever! You are the best girlfriend ever!" He says before giving me a deeper longer kiss.
I pull back. "So you like your gift!" I ask. "Love it! It's to much though"! He says.
"Remember my uncle. He's the sound technician. He can get me free tickets. I had these before I knew it was your birthday. " I Amit. "I still love it. He says.
The concert is amazing. There set list is Heart Of Fire, I Am Bulletproof, Coffin, Faithless, Wretched & Divine, Knives & Pens, Drag Me To The Grave, Overture, Shadows Die, Last Rites, Goodbye Agony, Rebel Love Song, Drum Solo, Legacy, Sweet Blasphemy, Perfect Weapon, Fallen Angels, Rebel Yell, and In The End. During goodbye agony we sway together. He fiddles with my hair.

I watch the stars and setting suns
As the years are passing by
I never knew that hope was fatal
Until I looked it in the eye
And now I'm not sure I am able
To reach the other side
Casting out the light
I look up a John. It's strange how much he looks like Andy Biersack.
When we get back in the car we talk rushed and happy. Well till I look at my phone. My mom texted me she went to bed. That's not the bad part. It was 12:37 past my curfew. The worst part is I don't have my key to sneak back in.
I send a text to Emily. There is no response.
She hasn't even read it when we get closer to my house. I break down and ask John. "Can I spend the night at your house? I forgot my key and its past curfew. "
"Totally." He responds.
When we get to his house I look around timid. "We're can I sleep?" I ask. "My room. Figured we would sleep in my bed!" He says withholding the duh.
"Okay!" I say. I wonder in my head if I should object.
I decide not to because it's his birthday.
I take off my heels and go to take my makeup off. "Do you have a extra toothbrush?"
"Second self in the cabinet"! John half shouts .
I brush my teeth hard. I check my breath too. We will not have that. I just want to smell nice.
I thought my hair in a pony tail and clime into bed.
"Don't you want to change?" he asks.
"Sure can I just borrow something?" I ask.
He hands me a large t-shirt. I go back into the bathroom to change.
I look down. It hits a little above mid thigh.
I am glad I put on clean, fresh underwear before I left. I check my selfIn the mirror. I adjust just my hair and go back to his room.
I clime into his bed while he goes to change . He has a full size bed. I'm laugh a little when I realize I'm on the left. I think back to dear future husband and then when I looked up what side is better to sleep on. Answer the left side.
He comes back in shirtless. He has pants on. "So that how you sleep"! I say. "Yep in pants and shirtless. Like every other male in the planet!"
"We're your mama?" I ask. "Our of town. She left after my drivers test!" He says climbing into bed. "Okay." I say.
I would like to say we fell asleep at a good time. I would also like to say I didn't fall asleep in his arms. Not to forget I would
Like to say I didn't think if giving him my v-card that night. If I said we didn't do any of these things I would be a dirty liar.
It started normal. We talked about life, our day, our problems, funny stories. With each one I moved farther away from the wall and closer to him.
"So one time I was going though my moms purse and I pulled out a condom. I was five. I opened the packet and thought it was a ballon. I put it to my mouth and I blew it up"! I cry. I put my hands on my head. "That's funny, not as funny as the time my cousin and I found a viberater. We thought it was a massager. We used it on each other's backs"! He says before I burst out laughing.
We exchange stories. They slowing turning serious. I just finished how my parents got a divorce. He looked straight in my eyes and said "I'm sorry you had to go thought that."
"It's not your fault"! I say.
"I'm still sorry"! He says.
He cups my face in his hand. "What are we doing?" I whisper. "Falling in love." He whispers kissing me.
It takes me less than a second to wrap my arms around his neck. It starts out soft then it deepens
My hands are in his hair. I'm in his lap. My legs around his waist. His tongue is in my mouth. He slide his hands under the night shirt. They rest on my bare waist. He pulls me closer. I feel every stereotypical feeling. The butterfly's, fireworks, passion. It's amazing.
His lips are soon fueled with fire. He kisses my jaw and travels to my neck. He gives me tinder kisses on my collar bone.
I whip my head back and let out a small moun. I move my hands to his chest. He may not be in athletics, but he is toned. He starts to take of my night shirt, but stops to give me a look like is this okay. I nod and he takes it off and whips me onto my back. His hands wonder around my body. I come out of it after he comes to my bra clasp.
"We can't!" I gasp. You would think he would be pissed,but he simply says"okay".
"I just want to be in a honest relationship for that. I want to be in love.". I ramble going over to grab my shirt.
"Okay.Let's go to bed."he says.
I start to fall asleep and once I'm within inches of it John says"please let me not fuck this one up!" Then I pass out.

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