Meet monday

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February 9,2015
I tell Emily about the kiss agin Monday and she flips and get to quiz me since she was in the car.
Other than that it's pretty normal except I a mentally screaming and panicking.
I have a swim meet right after school.
I dressed in all swim cloths.
I think I'm being discrete about wanting to vomit because of the nerves but when a teacher asks me if I want to go to the nurse I get panicky.
Instead of going to the nurse I ask to go to the bathroom. I lock my self in a stall and text Rose and Emily.
I think I am giving my self anxiety -Tera

You will be fine you did it over summer!-rose

That was a few months ago. I think I gained if I do the. You have to work me harder! -Tera
You lost I timed you last practice but will not tell you till after! I know that will wreak you even more! Shouldn't you be in class. -Rose

Coach lay asked if I wanted to go to the nurse I opted for bathroom- Tera

Get to class and tell John that I say hi and treat you right-Rose

Fine -Tera

After that I go back to class. "Do you feel better". Ask coach Lay.
"Sorta I'm mega psyching myself about the meet today". I say.
"Good luck I hope you win". He says. I open my mouth to say you don't win but opt for thanks.
When I get to orchestra I try to focus on the music and Miss. Heartless ,but John keeps looking at me or texting and if not that I want to like because of nervousness .
I break down and text him back telling him to stop.
Once class is over he gets next to me and asks why I didn't tell him I have a meet.
"Tera has a meet"!?! Emily says. "That's why I didn't tell anyone". I say.
"Why not"? He asks.
"I'm scared as fuck and you guys will make me even more nevus". I say.
"To bad I'm making Rose take me now. Emily do you want to come"? John sates.
"Yes please"! She says.
My eyes widen. "You will thank me later". He says.
" Come on get your marks"! Rose shouts. "Your brother spent the rest of the day telling everyone about the meet! Can you believe that"! I say. "Yes I can". Rose says giving me my Marks.
Marks are your event number, heat, lane, and the event. I am 23,59,79,139. I find Ethan, garret, Gea,and rilley to compare marks. " We all want to kill Ethan.
He's latest event is 57 that will be a hour in to it . then he gets to change. He would leave but we really would kill him. I have the relay race with the girls and Katy who was on my level but is now in gold the top and I'm in second to top so we don't talk as much.
When they call my event I race to the ready bench because it's a 200 back.
I never miss this one and I'm in my lucky lane. When I get to the block i strait my googles and cap.
Beep , we get in the pool.
"Swimmers take your mark". Says the intercom. I pull my self up and wait for the last beep.
Beep! I dive under and kick. I get into my ruthym and then flip going faster each time I flip.
When I count my last lap I go fast as ever. I race to the wall like my life depends on it. When I feel the touch pad I let out a sigh of relief.
One down three to go.
"What was my time"? I ask the timer.
"It was 2. 03 Hun". She responds. My eyes widen. I fast walk to find Rose. "Rose, Rose, Rose! I say around the pool. When I find her I give her a big hug.
"Thank you so, so much"! I say. "What did I do"? She asks confused. "My time for 200 back was 2.03"! I say. "Oh my gosh! This is amazing I told you it would be fine"! She says. "I should tell John and Emily"! I say before running of agin. On the way I go back to the home area and tell them the news. Katy grabs me in a hug and give me congrats. Everyone else does the same and I can tell is shocked. I go up to the balcony to find twenty five people in the stands for me that aren't family.
"Did you guys see me I can't believe it I got a 2.03 time"! I shout. They grab me and sequel.
"Us freaking you out my ass". John says before kissing my wet head. Taylor comes up to give me a hug.
"I agree with John my ass what you said". She says. "
Bet you anything I fail my next event". I say.
"Doubt it". Emily says hugging me. "Same ". Says Trouble.
" think you dropped more than a second". Noelle says.
" Whats your next event" Liam asks. "100 free". I say.
"I see why you can run fast". Says Landon hugging me.
" I want to run a race you tomorrow". Emma says.
"Luck for you next race". Kenzie says. "I can't believe you practice twice a week".
Sonya says. "So am I off the hook for borrowing last night homework "? I ask. "Fine ". She says.
"Do you want a Starbucks tomorrow"? Shantel asks. "Hell Ya". I say.
"Love you Tera". Sharmain says. Then I get both Alexis's in a hug. Morgan give me a choke hug. "Why did I get a invite from your bae not you "?!?
"I didn't invite anyone it was all him"! I say.
"She's shy".Callie says.
" ya right". Lorenzo says.
"I can be". I say.
"Phf ". John says. I give him a look.
"Do you need to go soon"? Asks Ashlyn.
"In a minute". I say. "Go now but love you ". Arianna says.
"Fine I love you guys". I say. "Even me"! John says."Don't push ". I says going down the stairs.

"Come one we need to get you home". Rose says. "Okay let me say good bye ". I say. I walk over to the last 5 people. "I can't believe you all stayed". I say. "Are you kidding you are on a roll". Taylor says. "We got you some thing". Emily says. "You shouldn't have"! I say. "Well we did! Since it was orchadorks that mostly came we got you a orchadork present"! Trouble says. "Here you go". Alexis says handing me a box. I open it as fast as possible. Inside I find a braclet with a viola on it. "You guys. I love it". I say hugging them. "Hate to break this up but we need to get going". Rose says. "Bye guys". I say giving them each one more hug.

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