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25 people in one room. That would normally be a problem but Taylor's family was comfortable to say the least. They were millionaires but they were thousandths Taylor's room was huge. Her closet alone was the size of my room! It wasn't filled all the, but , ya it was awesome. "Wow". I hear Liam say behind me. "I know my reaction the first time I saw it to". Nadia Taylor's best friend says.
We all set out stuff down. "We're can I change?" I ask. "Down the hall to the right". Taylor says.
I grab my black shorts and tank top and walk down the hallway.
Here bathroom was awesome! Two sinks a deep tub that was 2 1/2 feet. It was amazing!
I change quickly leaving my bra on. When I come out I already see a line has formed. "Glad I changed fast". I mutter.
When I come in I put my socks on. My feet get strangely cold at night so I always come prepared.
Some how we all get into a circle. I'm between Callie and Taylor. "Let's play truth or dare"! Emily says. "Yes"almost everyone screams me included.
" Taylor first". I say. "Okay, Nadia truth or dare"?
"Truth"! She screams.
"Who do you like "? Taylor asks.
Nadia blushes and begins "I like , Daniel".
A version of I thought you hated him runs around the room. I look over and see Daniel 5 people away from her look around the room.
"Emily truth or dare"? Nadia says.
"Dare"! Emily says with confendece.
"I dare you to, twerk". Nadia says.
Emily gets up and puts her but in Nadia's face and begins. "Like the show". She says stoping after 5 secs.
With a look of disgust"NO!" Nadia screams.
"Okay Daniel truth or dare"?
"Dare"! He says
" I dare you to kiss Nadia "!
His eyes widen. He starts to protest but after a few seconds he walks over to her to get it over with. He whispers something in her ear than goes in for a kiss. I wouldn't say they made out but it looked like they had fun. "Was that enjoyable"? Taylor teases. "Callie truth or dare". Daniel says. "Truth"! She says in a duh voice. "Do you still like John"? My breathing hitches. Please say no! I think over and over. "Yes, but Tera I would never steal him from you. That would be such a bitch thing"! "Okay I believe you". I say in a little bit of shock. "Okay thank you. Now Noah truth or dare"? "Dare "! Noah says.
"Go eat a raw egg"! Callie says.
"Um um um sure". Noah says.
"Don't worry it's not that bad I've eaten plenty of them and I turned out fine". I hear a lot of that's what you think around the room. "Love you guys to"! I say annoyed.
"I'll go get the egg". Taylor giggles leaving the room. When she returns its already
When Taylor returns a minute later the egg is cracked and in a little cup.
"You ready Noah"? John says.
"No". Noah squeals before gulping it down.
The look on his face was priceless! "It's all slimy, how can anyone do that"! He screams.
"I've done it"! I volunteer. "I doubt that"! Noah scoffs. "Il do it agin too"! I say marching to the kitchen. I turn around "Taylor where's the kitchen"? I say sweetly. "Go down stars it's a right then a left". She responds.
I go down the stars and grab a egg from kitchen.
I jump up the stars agin and enter her room. "See the egg"! I say. I brake the top and drink the content.
It drips down my throat. Nothing I wasn't use to. I had done this dare a million times so mush that I now get my eggs sunny side up.
"Mhh mhh mhh good"! I say.
"It's official Tera is crazy"! Trouble screams.
"On that note Noah ask someone"! I scream.
"Trouble truth or dare"!
"After that dare, truth"! Trouble screams. "Do you still like Kyle"? Noah asks.
Her eyes widen. She wets her lips. She's torn. You don't spend and hour five days a week with someone and not learn there emotional signs. "I still like him, and there's still the romantic connection. But it's not as strong. I still like him and well I don't want to break up with him, but I also like someone else or at least I think I do. Also I have never seen him give me the look I mean every good couple has at least has one look. I just I don't know"! She says putting her hands on her head. She pops back up. "Now John truth or dare"? Trouble asks with innocence. "Truth"? He says bewilderd. "We're you giving Tera the look? And if you were why? If it's because you like her tell us one thing you know that almost no one else knows about her"! Trouble says with a grin. "Pretty sure it's only supposed to be one question, but I'll answer all of them. It looked kinda like the look, but I don't know. I do like Tera more than a friend, and one interesting fact about her is she is a 32DD". He says with a slightly cocky attitude. I feel my eyes widen. "You were swarm to secrecy"! I say standing up. "He heard that ease dropping the stupid little prick"! I say giving him a smack on the head. "Brianna truth or dare"? John says nervous.
Her eyes dart. She knows what she will be asked if she chooses truth. But if she goes with dare its well the great unknown. "I'm going to go with Truth"? She says.
All of our eyes widen. It's time for confession. Almost everyone knows she cuts. Only a few people have had there suspicion confirmed. I was one of the few. Before it was confirmed Emily and I told the school counselor. I hope she quit but she wears her jacket 24/7. So we don't know.
"What's with you and cutting? Do you do it? Did you use to? What"? John asks. His voice is gentle and kind.
"I ,um, use to and I haven't for about two months. So now for ,um, now Taylor truth or dare"? Brianna says fidgeting.
"Truth"! She screams.
"Why did you choose orchestra"? She says fast.
"I chose it because Nadia did. I wanted a class that I would definitely have with her. Now let's have a fun one. Tera truth or dare"! Taylor says.
"Oh my gosh this is so hard! Dare"! I practically scream with sarcasm .
"I dare you to let Shamari do you hair or kiss John"!
"I'll do both"! I say with attitude.
"Were's the bathroom"! Trouble says. "Which one first"! Yells Daniel.
"Hair duh"! I say. I grab Shamari and take he to be he bathroom.

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