You Are In So Much Trouble

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SMG4 wasn't really expecting much today, except for maybe trying to find a new job as he had recently gotten fired from his job as a store clerk for 'unprofessionalism'. In other words, his boss was a massive prick who didn't like how he did his job the right way. The man sighed as he poured himself a cup of coffee, sitting down at his kitchen table and scrolling through the pages of job listings on his phone. He needed to find something soon so that he didn't dip into his saving's account.

Just as he was about to turn off his phone, he received a phone call from his long time friend, Mario. He accepted the call and placed the phone up to his ear. "Hey Mario, what's up?" He asked as he leaned back in his seat.

"SMG4, hello! Mario found a casino that has opened near me and I want you to come with!" The Italian on the other end exclaimed, sounding very excited.

"I don't think I should Mario. I got to try and find a new job. Gambling is the last thing on mind, can't you take Luigi?" SMG4 asked as he heard Mario sniffle a little on the other end.

"Luigi is on vacation without Mario! Mario is so lonely!" He said, making SMG4 realize he wasn't gonna be able to find a job today, not without Mario bugging him the whole day. SMG4 sighed. 

"Okay, just text me the address and I'll be there in an hour." He said, hearing a laugh before the hang up noise. He got the address and got up, finishing the rest of his coffee before putting the mug in the sink for him to clean later. He received the address a minute later before moving to go get cleaned up.

After showering and getting dressed in his usual attire of overalls and a hat, he left his house to go hang out with Mario. Arriving at the rather large and brightly lit building, SMG4 met Mario just at the front doors. "SMG4! You made it!" Mario said excitedly as he waved to him.

"Yeah, but don't expect me to be gambling so much. I just got fired recently and need to make my money last as long as possible for right now."

"Don't worry about it, Mario will cover you!" He said before walking into the casino, the sounds of the machines hitting SMG4's ears as he stepped through. He took in a long look around the place. It seemed that there was a lot more to it than just gambling. It looked to be part of a hotel and have other shops inside it. He was impressed that something like this was even built near him.

"I'm gonna go get a coffee, why don't you go explore the place for right now?" SMG4 suggested to Mario, just wanting to get a feel for the place by himself without feeling too overwhelmed.

The man in the overalls watched as his buddy go wandering off by himself. He sighed softly and walked into the coffee shop, the glass door closing behind him, cutting him off from the loud noises that were behind him on the main floor. He took in a deep breath, inhaling the scent of fresh roasted coffee. This was more his speed than gambling. He walked over to the counter, seeing a young man behind the counter, who seemed to be scribbling away in a journal. It seemed to be doodles, at least to SMG4. The man probably didn't even notice him until he was right at the counter.

"Gah!" The man jumped back, nearly falling over as he tried to regain his composure. SMG4 got a look at the drawings and smiled.

"Hey, you're pretty good at drawing." He commented, making the red faced man close and put his book underneath the counter. SMG4 managed to catch a glimpse of his nametag, 'Axol'. "Sorry if I startled you there."

"No, I'm the one who should be sorry. I should have been paying attention to when customers were coming in." Axol replied as he fixed his apron. "Is there anything I can get for you, sir?" He asked as he looked over at the current patron.

"Oh, could I just get a coffee with cream and sugar?" SMG4 asked as he pulled out his wallet to pay for the drink. Axol processed the charge and had SMG4 wait at one of the tables, telling him he'd bring it right out to him. SMG4 nodded and moved to go sit at the nearby table, plopping down in the chair and pulling out his phone to check job listings once again. After scrolling for about ten minutes, he heard a voice talking nearby. He snapped out of his train of thoughts and looked up to see wine colored eyes staring down at him. "I'm sorry, what was that?"

A Debt to Repay (SMG34)Where stories live. Discover now