Melodic Memories

601 21 40

((Author's note: Yeah, minor trigger warning about blood and sex stuff. As usual, you've been warned.))

It was a few days later, and late in the evening, SMG3 was holed up in the casino's empty lounge during a storm, a few soft key strokes filled his ears as he could barely hear the rain hitting the building. He sighed as he paused his movements on the keys to grab the glass of whiskey on the top of the piano, taking a long sip from it before placing it back in its original spot. He had truly fallen far into the pit of despair that even he felt he couldn't climb out of. Every time he tried, he felt a force just dragging him back down, drowning him in the blackness. He let out a puff of air and placed his fingers back on the keys, and without thinking, his fingers moved on their own.

He didn't realize what he was playing until he felt his gaze going over to the stage, expecting SMG4 to be there singing along with him. It was the song he was playing when he first heard SMG4 sing all those months ago. He may not be able to admit it now, but he was certain that hearing SMG4 that night was the beginning of him falling in love with him. He remembered how embarrassed he was, finding him cute when he was avoiding eye contact and tried to tell him to forget that he had heard anything in the first place.

Yet, that wasn't the only time he had heard SMG4 sing in this room. He remembered the night so clearly. Meggy had called in sick and SMG3 helped SMG4 clean up the lounge that evening to close up. SMG4 had wiped the sweat from his brow as SMG3 was sweeping the stage off. SMG3 went to the piano, lifting up the lid as he sat down. He began to play a soft tune as SMG4 came up on stage. SMG4 asked if SMG3 could teach him at some point.

SMG3 smiled and had SMG4 come over to the bench, making the other sit in his lap so he could bring his hands to the keys. He looked over his shoulder as kept his hands on top of SMG4's, telling him which keys were which as he guided his fingers where to press. The moment was sweet and intimate, the two enjoying the other's company. SMG3 lightly rested his head on SMG4's shoulder, smiling as remembered how SMG4 enjoyed learning how to play, seeing how determined he was to learn properly.

SMG4 made a joke about some day playing better than SMG3, and SMG3 quipped back that it took him over ten years of playing to get to his current skill level. SMG4 laughed and said that his ass would probably play better than his own hands. SMG3 got a bit of a smirk on his face before having SMG4 get up to prove it. SMG4 was confused but got up, only to be turned around to face SMG3 and be lifted up on to the piano keys, his butt making a disjointed sound. SMG4 blushed and chuckled softly in embarrassment as SMG3 said that he wanted to see what sounds it would make.

The two looked at each other, their laughter dying down as they moved closer to one another. They closed the gap, gently kissing and slowly melting into the others' grasp. It was deep and sensual, the two letting things progress naturally between them as they proceeded to make love to one another. Neither one caring if it was more public or if someone could walk in, the only thing that mattered was them right there and now.

SMG3 was brought back to reality as he felt something wet hit his hands. He blinked and realized he had been crying over the memory and had his tears fall down. He reached up and wiped his tears. 'Four, I hope that bastard treats you well and doesn't hurt you.' He thought as he closed the lid to the piano as he stood up. He was done playing for the evening, but as he grabbed his glass he knew he wasn't done drinking. He walked over to the bar, snagging a random bottle off of the shelf before leaving the lounge. He went up to his office, feeling his phone buzz and checking it once he got inside.

SMG1 had sent him a text that they had just made it back into town and were heading to SMG3's house to pick up Eggdog. SMG3 thanked SMG1 and SMG2 for helping him, before he sent a text to Chris and Swag. He let the two know that SMG1 and SMG2 were going to pick up Eggdog in a little while and that they could go home afterwards. He plopped down in his chair, tossing his phone down on to the desk before uncorking the bottle and taking a swig. He coughed and sputtered at the intense burning feeling. He looked at what he grabbed. Patron. 'Tequila. One of the worst things to have straight.' He thought bitterly before taking another swig.

The rain loudly pelted against the large window in his office, occasionally being broken up by the cracks of thunder. SMG3 leaned back in his seat, watching the storm outside before seeing his phone light up out of the corner of his eye. He moved and picked it up, blinking slightly to correct his vision, as the alcohol already had an affect on him. He received a video from an unknown number. He hesitantly clicked play on the video, and what he saw sickened him to his core.

There in the video was SMG4, who was blindfolded, tied up and naked. Everything in his body was telling SMG3 to stop watching the video, but he was frozen as he heard SMG4's moans and watched his welted and bruised body jerk a little. He felt his blood run cold as he heard an all too familiar voice from behind the view of the camera.

"That's it SMG4, tell daddy how much you like being properly used."

"I...I love it...More...Please..." SMG4 said in an almost broken and hoarse sounding voice.

'Niles, you fucking asshole! I'll gut you for this!' SMG3 thought as he felt rage building up inside him. The video continued on, showing exactly what Niles did to SMG4, every last little detail of it. SMG3 felt disgust as the video ended, and he felt like vomiting. As he went to set down his phone, he saw a message pop up on his screen.

'I win.'

Those words flipped a switch inside of SMG3, making him take the bottle of Patron he was holding and smashing it on the desk. His right hand was shredded as blood stained his white gloves, and the alcohol seeping into his wounds that caused an almost unbearable burning sensation. He didn't care though, he wanted to hurt Niles, but all he could do was wreck his office. He threw everything off of his desk and at a wall. He made sizeable dents with the desk lamp and office phone, the remains haphazardly strewn across the floor.

Though, he wasn't done yet. He flipped over his desk, sending any sort of papers to the floor and making a loud crashing sound on the ground. He picked up his chair and launched it at the window with a yell of anguish. The chair went through the window and fell all the way down to the sidewalk below. SMG3 walked over to assess the damage he had done, once he had finally calmed down. The broken glass shards crunched under his feet as he walked over, the rain pelting him in the face as he stood near the edge.

His eyes were glued to the sidewalk below.

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