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A deep sigh escaped passed SMG4's lips as he made sure he was fastened securely to the railing of the airship, the breeze blowing through his hair as saw he stared up at the stars floating above him. SMG4 couldn't believe how far he had come since he had first met SMG3. The butterfly effect that caused the two of them to start off their journey together due to Mario freaking out at SMG3's casino and saddling SMG4 with so much debt he may as well have paid with his own blood.

SMG4 was so concerned that he would never dig his way out of that debt, at least not if SMG3 didn't have a soft spot. SMG3 may have been all business, and possibly even a tiny bit sadistic, at first but the man slowly showed a more gentle side to SMG4. Especially after the two moved in together after SMG4's house burned down. They may have still had a boss and worker relationship but they had also developed a sort of friends with benefits deal within that time. During that time, SMG4 learned SMG3's darkest hour in his past and helped him with his panic attacks whenever possible. The two became closer, each of them slowly developing feelings for one another but neither admitting it unless one was drunk or the other was asleep.

Then, Niles happened. The human embodiment of a category five hurricane that nearly destroyed their relationship beyond repair, and damn near costed them their lives. SMG4, even knowing now that SMG3 is just sleeping inside the airship, would have taken his own life so that SMG3 would have lived. He'd do it in heartbeat. The two had a lot of work to do, not only to fix their minds and bodies, but to fix their relationship as well. It took a long while for them to feel comfortable to sleep in the same house again, and even longer for them to begin taking steps to feel comfortable with each other's touch, afraid the other would break apart like glass or disappear.

It was all worth it when SMG4 walked down the aisle to his husband, standing at the altar and proclaiming their vows to one another in front of their loved ones. SMG4 looked down at his ring and smiled, reaching up to lightly mess with it. He soon heard the door behind him open up and turned to see SMG3 coming out, carrying two coffee mugs in one hand. "Hey, did I wake you?" SMG4 asked as he watched SMG3 harness himself to the railing before sitting beside him.

"No, well kind of. Just don't like the feeling of the space next to me being empty when I wake up." He said before handing him one of the mugs. "Don't worry, it's hot chocolate, not coffee. In case you're wanting to go back to sleep soon." He stated before sipping his own. SMG4 sipped from his own cup and saw the sun beginning to rise passed the horizon. "We should be back home in a couple hours anyways. Back to our normal lives." SMG3 stated with a soft smile as SMG4 nudged him gently.

SMG4 looked at SMG3 before reaching up and turning his head to face him. He leaned forward and kissed SMG3 gently before resting his head on his shoulder as the sunlight began to shine on them. "I'm never going to let you go again, Three."

SMG3 smiled gently as he closed his eyes, relaxing against his husband. "I'm glad that I have you in my life, Four." He said softly to him, cherishing the moment as his hand found the other's.

As they basked in the warmth of the sun's glow, they shared no more words between one another. The two held hands as their fingers intertwined, signifying that there was nothing in this world that would tear them apart ever again.

A Debt to Repay (SMG34)Where stories live. Discover now